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1072 results found.

Activating believers to evangelism and mobilizing missionaries all over the world. What started as a dream in our hearts became a reality on February 23, 2019. Where nearly 60,000 people joined together with 250,000 people online to unite around Jesus and declare one thing – A WAR ON INACTION. First, with our voice and then with our lives.
10/40 Connections 4/29/2009
Lunch Change offers a direct & powerful point of access for you to impact the slums of India. Slum revitalization in India addresses the issue of poverty with a holistic approach through starting schools. Children receive education, daily food, medical check-ups, love from their teachers, and Christian songs and stories. Of the 23 schools we have started, 20 are now sustained by local tithing (through 75 new house churches). Each school of 30 children costs $4,000 per year to run.
20schemes 1/11/2022
We are involved in church planting and revitalization, Ragged school of Theology, 20Schemes music, 20Schemes Women, 20Schemes retrain.
4KIDS of South Florida 4/6/2020
4KIDS brings hope to babies, kids, teens, and young adults by providing safe and secure environments for healing, equipped parents and caregivers who are trained to love kids from hard places, essential resources to meet their physical needs, nurturing counsel to help them thrive, and a renewed sense of value in their hearts.
A Rocha USA 12/6/2018
A Rocha is an international family of Christian conservation organizations. Our mission is restoring both people and places through collaborative, community-based conservation. We believe it is vital that Christians better understand our role in God’s full creation and our responsibilities to help it flourish. Working alongside a wide range of people and organizations; engaging churches, schools, neighborhood groups, and land-owners.
Access Justice 12/6/2019
Metro Christian Legal Aid is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) ministry devoted to helping individuals with legal issues, individuals and churches in disputes and Christian non-profit organizations. This ministry serves those in need of legal aid by providing legal consulting services on a limited engagement basis. We will meet with individuals in financial, spiritual and legal need to consult, advise and provide guidance in legal matters and on legal issues.
Achungo Community Center 5/11/2021
The Mission of Achungo Community Center in the U.S. is to partner with Achungo Children’s Centre and other leaders in Kenya to nurture and educate vulnerable children. The Achungo Children’s Centre (ACC) provides education, care, food, clothing and medical assistance for about 700 orphans and destitute children in rural southwest Kenya. Our schools are located near Homa Bay, Nyanza Province, just a few miles from Lake Victoria.
Administer Justice 11/6/2015
Injustice can be overwhelming. The needs seem insurmountable and the resources limited. God is bigger than our limited resources! Will you share your loaves and fishes? Will you share two days wages? Will you be part of God’s miraculous work in the lives of broken people in need of gospel justice? Thank you for doing your part!
Administer Justice 11/13/2019
Our vision is to launch 1,000 Gospel Justice Centers transforming lives in the name of Christ. With your help, we can build vibrant justice communities to free people from legal burdens so they can flourish. Together, we will seek justice.
There is Hope! 8/30/2013
Adult & Teen Challenge of Kentucky 8/30/2013
We believe there is hope for every person trapped in addiction. At Adult & Teen Challenge KY (ATC-KY), we offer a message of hope and freedom through a relationship with Jesus Christ. We are committed to making that hope available to anyone who calls us, regardless of their ability to pay program fees. You can donate toward the ATC-KY scholarship fund, so we can offer program scholarships to men and women who desperately need recovery care but cannot afford the fees.
Advancing the Gospel in Angola 1/13/2012
The Medical Center in Angola has 130 employees, consults with 60 patients daily, offers a functioning emergency room 24/7, including an operating room, wards, labs, x-ray services, ophthalmology services, and a pharmacy. There is a growing need for specialized physicians, critical care equipment, training, and related services for their staff. Click the link below and designate your gift to "the hospital."
Support ACGC! 5/2/2011
Advent Christian General Conference of America 5/2/2011
Our vision is to love God and love others by making followers of Jesus Christ. Please prayerfully consider making a donation to ACGC today and allow us to continue to do this important kingdom work that God has put before us!
Adventures in Missions 1/14/2010
Church-to-Church offers American churches the opportunity to spiritually and physically support a sister church internationally (examples: Haiti, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Peru, Nicaragua, Cuba, etc). These partnerships are also offered domestically in disaster relief areas and through our Native American ministries on Indian reservations throughout the United States. Please help us as we offer partnerships and true relationship in areas of great need.
Adventures in Missions 6/10/2010
Support the Ambassador Mission Trip program in which high school students participate in trips from two weeks up to a month. Whether it’s a sports camp in Romania, a prayer walk in a Guatemalan volcano, or earthquake relief in Haiti, it will be an adventure they will never forget!
Adventures in Missions 6/10/2010
This initiative is based in the Red Light Districts of India to bring hope, redemption, and love to the women and children held captive in the darkness that surrounds them. Help us provide a safe place for the victims of sex and human trafficking rings.
Adventures in Missions 6/10/2010
This initiative seeks to empower internally displaced people in Kenya, Africa who have been refugees within their own country and living in tents since 2007. We focus on five areas of need: water, land, community center, a charcoal project, and businesses for women.
Adventures in Missions 6/10/2010
Help enable participants to experience opportunities, encounter God, and experience a passionate relationship with Him. As they step out of their comfort zones, this is a great opportunity to serve, grow, plant spiritual fruit, and minister side-by-side with others.
Africa Inland Mission International 3/18/2020
We are a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples. Through God’s grace, calling, and power, AIM is overcoming obstacles to make inroads and make disciples among Africa’s remaining unreached, wherever they may live – from the center of the continent to the cities of Europe. And through leadership training and mobilization of African missionaries, we are strengthening and partnering with African churches as we together engage the unreached.
Africa Inland Mission International 5/2/2011
Pray Africa is a ministry developed by AIM to equip men and women like you with information you need to learn about and to pray for Africa’s unreached peoples. Pray Africa provides information about specific groups – where they live and what their lives and cultures are like, so you can gain a broader understanding of who they are and how you can pray.
Africa New Life Ministries International 12/15/2010
This year, your year-end gift will position Africa New Life to enter 2020 equipped to meet the most important needs across all the communities we serve in Rwanda. Additionally, your gift will help us construct a permanent sponsorship office and nurse’s station in Karangazi, our newest community, so sponsored students there can receive the fullest academic, spiritual, and medical support from our community staff.
African Bible Colleges 11/19/2008
ABC Community Clinic shares the compassion of Jesus through serving African Bible College students, staff, and the surrounding community. We serves all facets of society by operating several clinics that are tailored to the cultural norms of our patients with our modern laboratory and x-ray that provide reliable testing. Our pharmacy is well stocked with quality medications and our doctors, clinicians, and nurses provide competent and compassionate care.
Agape House 4/17/2018
Upholding the Agape House promise to never turn away a child in need requires generosity of resources and gracious giving of time and talents. Fees for the services we offer are kept low and a sliding-fee scale is used based on family income level, but still we must rely on the support of our friends. Participation in our programs has helped girls overcome abuse, stop self-destructive behaviors, and grow in their self- esteem.
Agape House of Prescott 6/6/2022
We exist to provide long-term transitional housing for families who are without a residence. We work to rebuild and transform families’ lives and prepare them for an independent and self-sustained future.Agape House of Prescott shows families in crisis love and support and share the hope of Jesus. Through discipleship, mentoring, life skills training, and interim housing for homeless families in crisis, Agape House has achieved an 86% success rate of families living independently one year after
Islam and Israel 7/31/2014
Aglow International 7/31/2014
God has given mandates to Aglow concerning Israel and Islam, the sons of Isaac and Ishmael. Now is the season when He has placed Israel and Islam on the world center stage. It is important that we have understanding if we are to effectively pray for them and reach out in the power of God's love. We do this through seminars, newletters, training, television and internet, corporate prayer, trips and relationships.
Al Hayat Ministries 4/7/2014
Every donation given to missions, every prayer and service given for God's kingdom, is of great importance! The sharing of God's word always produces fruit. We stand by God's promise: "Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
Alaska Christian College 9/25/2019
The mission of Alaska Christian College is to empower Alaska Natives through biblically-based education and Christian formation to pursue excellence in character, learning, and service as followers of Christ. Our vision is to be the premier college of choice for Alaska Native students so that our graduates follow and serve Christ within the Church and larger society.
Alaska Village Missions 12/10/2020
Reaching Alaskans with the truth of God’s word, who will then be equipped to reach and disciple others both in and beyond Alaska
Alfalit International 12/7/2017
Founded by 3 missionaries, Alfalit provides life-changing literacy training throughout the world and in the US. Our mission is to create hope and opportunity through literacy and education in order to improve individual lives, raise self-esteem and to share the love of Jesus Christ so that people will come to know and believe in Him and follow His teachings and be enabled to apply Christian principles in lives, homes, and communities.
All Kids Can Learn International 3/27/2013
The School of Hope opened its doors to the community at the beginning of the 2012 school year. Now several years later, our goal is to expand the School of Hope to 600 students. Our rural area desperately needs more space for secondary education. Please donate today to help our school grow!
Alliance Defending Freedom 10/7/2008
Alliance Defending Freedom receives more than 3,000 calls for legal help each year from Christians who are discriminated against or punished for living out their faith. Sacrificial gifts from Christians like you make it possible for us to defend them in court and set legal precedents that will protect your religious liberty, the sanctity of life, and marriage and family for years to come. Your generous gift will help us continue to fight – and win – for you and your family.
Alliance for Children Everywhere 4/1/2010
Seventy-five percent of Zambian young people never get beyond the seventh grade. We provide a solid educational foundation that includes Bible study, character building and moral ethics, transforming our students into productive citizens and Christian leaders. You can provide a scholarship for $200 annually. Sponsors receive a profile and picture. An update from your child is sent at the end of each three month term and you are invited to correspond further, if you desire.
Alliance South Central 9/30/2022
At Alliance South Central Ministries, we believe that lost people matter to God, Prayer is the Primary work of the people of God, everything we have belongs to God, knowing and obeying God’s word is fundamental to all true success, and achieving God’s purposes always involve taking faith-filled risks.
Alongside 10/20/2008
Alongside is a Christian counseling and retreat ministry for pastors and missionaries, many of whom cannot afford to pay for the counseling help that they so desparately need. Since it is our ministry's policy that we do not turn people away based on their ability to pay, we offer scholarships to those with demonstrated financial need. These scholarships are funded by donations from people who love and support the Lord's servants, and we very much appreciate their generosity!
Alpha Ministries International 8/7/2018
Our primary purpose is to equip and mobilize Christians in North America to share their personal born again experience of knowing Christ with people from other faiths through friendly relationships. Personal and friendly relationships open doors for discussions about spiritual issues and personal beliefs. As we introduce prisoners to new life in Christ, we also nurture their spiritual growth with Bible Studies. Help us establish bridges of friendship!
Alpha Omega Institute 5/3/2011
Society is in the midst of a cultural war. The church and family are under attack and our children are victims of valueless teaching and moral decay. Evolution is presented as “scientific fact” virtually everywhere. As a result, young and old alike are questioning their values and faith. Please consider supporting Alpha Omega Institute as we help to strengthen Christians, reach unbelievers, and help you and your family stand firm and defend your faith with boldness, gentleness, and confidence!
Alternatives Pregnancy Center 9/24/2021
Alternatives Pregnancy Center is a non-profit women’s medical health clinic licensed by the State of California. Founded in 1983, Alternatives is dedicated to meeting the medical, emotional, material, and spiritual needs of women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Amazi Water 5/3/2024
As the only Burundi NGO providing water relief, Amazi Water is poised to provide access to safe, clean water border-to-border by 2030. Amazi Water is poised to solve the biggest problem in one of the poorest countries in the world by drilling wells in every community in Burundi by 2030. When you partner with Amazi Water, you can rest assured that your giving matters. 100% of your gift funds water projects.
Ambassadors for Christ International 5/3/2011
We believe that the mission of the church is truly international and that leadership for world missions should be a cooperative effort involving input from many nations, not just one nation taking their ideas to the world. As we work to train up leaders for the church all around the world, join us in praying for God to use AFCI in empowering His church to reach more people. Please consider your contributions to help sustain and expand the ministry of AFCI.
American Association of Christian Schools 5/16/2012
Quality Christian education is a primary goal of AACS member schools. Outstanding educational programs are offered by AACS to help member schools enrich their academic programs. These include school accreditation, teacher certification, achievement testing, and others. The AACS is dedicated to quality, innovation, and excellence in education. Please donate today to help Christian schools enhance their academic programs.
American Leprosy Missions 12/16/2013
Your gift will relieve suffering and transform lives through caring for and curing people with leprosy and Buruli ulcer. Needed funds go to the prevention of disabilities, education, job assistance, and comfort in Jesus' love. Jesus said, "Freely you have received. Freely give." Please give now to help those in need.
American Scientific Affiliation 11/12/2012
The American Scientific Affiliation's (ASA) unique mission is to integrate, communicate, and facilitate properly researched science and theology in service to the Church and the scientific community. Additionally, the ASA is committed to advising churches and our society on how best to employ science and technology while preserving the integrity of God's creation.
AMG International 8/21/2013
AMG National Workers are the hands and feet of AMG in the countries where we work; men and women reaching out to their own people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. AMG Missionaries serve in numerous countries around the world in various capacities. Some are church planters, others help lead our ministries alongside our national leadership while others provide support roles that are vital to the effective proclamation of the Gospel in their cultural context.
Anabaptist Foundation 9/1/2011
The Anabaptist Foundation Charitable Gift Fund Program is a tool that enables you to support the charities of your choice while receiving a tax deduction, protecting your privacy, and simplifying giving. You may contribute cash, securities, real estate, commodities, or anything on which a fair market value can be placed. In return, you have the privilege to recommend when the gifts will be distributed and which charities will benefit.
Ananias House 5/11/2021
Ananias House seeks to preserve the rich Christian heritage of Biblical times, and, in the face of darkness and despair, proclaim the light and hope of Jesus Christ to believers and peoples of other faiths alike through meeting practical and tangible needs, knowing that it is often in the darkest times that the power of God is most evident.
Partner With Us! 8/11/2014
Anglican Frontier Missions 8/11/2014
At AFM we need your support to see the Good News rooted in the hearts and minds of peoples who have limited, or no, access to the Gospel. We partner with members of the Anglican Communion from around the world for this endeavor. Please join us in this important ministry opportunity.
Creation Museum! 11/24/2009
Answers in Genesis 11/24/2009
The state-of-the-art 70,000 square foot museum brings the pages of the Bible to life, casting its characters and animals in dynamic form and placing them in familiar settings. Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden. Children play and dinosaurs roam near Eden’s Rivers. Majestic murals, great masterpieces brimming with pulsating colors and details, provide a backdrop for many of the settings. Your donation will help us continue with the upkeep and expenses for the museum.
Answers in Genesis 11/24/2009
Answers in Genesis is a non-profit ministry sustained by God's grace through the faithful prayers and generous gifts of our supporters. Please prayerfully consider partnering with this Bible-proclaiming ministry!
Reach Out! 5/9/2011
Ariel Ministries 5/9/2011
Ariel Ministries has been committed to both Jewish evangelism and discipleship. Wherever the Church is in the world today, it has an indebted responsibility to share the Gospel with Jewish people who have yet to meet their Messiah. Your giving empowers us to teach the Scripture effectively from a proper Messianic Jewish perspective. Hand in hand we will together serve our Messiah Yeshua, Jesus the Christ.
Give to ACU! 2/7/2012
Arizona Christian University 2/7/2012
Arizona Christian University is the only Christian, not-for-profit liberal arts college in Arizona. Our Christian values are expressed in the caring relationships between our students and faculty, and between our staff and administration. Your interest in current and planned gifts could greatly benefit these students as they receive a biblically integrated education that prepares them to serve Christ in ministries and professional occupations.
As Our Own 2/18/2013
Our dream is for each child to attend college and training well beyond high school. In India, education earns you more than a diploma-it unlocks the door to the future. And as parents, we want to plan ahead for their futures by investing in their college savings fund. We need many gifts ranging from $500-$5,000, so we can prepare now to send our daughters to college.
Asbury Theological Seminary 5/9/2011
Your annual giving serves our students and helps accomplish our mission of preparing theologically educated, sanctified, Spirit-filled men and women to evangelize and to spread scriptural holiness throughout the world through the love of Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit and to the glory of God the Father. Your gift makes a difference!
Ascending Leaders 5/17/2011
Leadership is influencing people toward God's agenda by serving them through purposeful relationships of grace, truth, and love. Support Ascending Leaders in this ministry to devote building the character and quality of disciples and leaders.
Asheville Christian Academy 1/14/2009
Asheville Christian Academy (ACA) is an independent, non-denominational Christian school for students in K4 through grade 12 located outside of Asheville, NC. We seek to glorify God by helping Christian parents provide their children with an excellent education distinguished by a Biblical perspective resulting in a thoroughly Biblical world and life view. Founded in 1958, ACA is fully accredited and provides a liberal arts, college preparatory curriculum for over 580 students from 6 counties.
Asia Harvest 5/2/2017
There is a growing emergency among the house churches in China! Although a limited number of Bibles are now permitted to be printed inside China, they are not enough to meet the need. Because of the tremendous growth rate of the church in China (some say 10-15,000 new believers each day, or approximately 3 to 5 million per year), there is a serious lack of Bibles. Your donation to Asia Harvest helps bring God’s Word to new believers in China.
Asian Partners International 5/9/2011
In hundreds of railway stations in the nation of India, thousands of children have been kicked out, abandoned, and sometimes literally thrown off of trains by their families. These children, some as young as 3 years old, find that their daily existence is a struggle. Words like Hope and Future are completely foreign to them. Please consider contributing to this mission and help us rescue these children while giving them hope and a future!
Aslan Youth Ministries 5/9/2011
The mission of Aslan Youth Ministries is to provide relationship-based programs that permanently impact the bodies, minds, and spirits of disadvantaged urban children. Through Christ's love, our young people overcome their negative environments and circumstances and learn to live successful and productive lives. Please consider contributing your time and resources to this mission, and help us change the world one child at a time!
ASON International 6/8/2023
Sponsorship gifts children a Christian education, summer camp experiences, and festive Christmas celebrations. Notably, a significant number of sponsored children embrace faith by high school graduation compared to their non-sponsored peers. Your sponsorship fosters deep spiritual growth!
ASON International 6/9/2023
Committed to reducing dependency on western aid, we aim to empower our Asian missions with self-supporting ministries. We have the land. Help us erect buildings for local businesses tailored to the region. Your support fosters independence, sustains our mission, and bolsters local communities.
ASON International 6/8/2023
In our blossoming mission field in Asia, churches are growing but face persecution. They urgently need land, church buildings, and pastors' apartments. Secure land with high walls shields them from prying eyes. Support their safety and spiritual growth. Your contribution fortifies faith against adversity.
Aspire Globally 8/22/2024
ASPIRE Globally empowers ambitious students from poverty-stricken areas with scholarships for high school and beyond. Through soccer coaching, we blend athletic development with gospel sharing. We also nurture faith with prayer, devotions, and scripture, guiding students and families towards resilience and service.
Association for Biblical Higher Education 5/9/2011
Association for Biblical Higher Education exists to enhance the quality and credibility of higher educational institutions that engage students in biblical, transformational, experiential, and missional higher education. Please consider your contributions to this association to help engage students in their biblical transformations.
Atlanta Union Mission 5/5/2011
Hope begins with a meal! For $2.67 you can provide a meal for one person at Atlanta Mission! Each day, we provide over 950 men, women, and children with meals, shelter, employment support, counseling, and more!
Friends of Uganda! 4/21/2015
Attack Poverty 4/21/2015
Friends of Uganda is a community development initiative of Attack Poverty. We empower Ugandans to attack poverty in their lives and community through the collaboration of great people and organizations who care. We strive to provide safe water access, plant churches, develop leaders, and educate. Join us in this effort.
Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies 5/5/2011
Our mission is to inspire and educate people to serve, protect, and restore God's earth. Your gifts to Au Sable Institute support programs and scholarships for students, undergraduate research projects, campus-wide improvements, and much more- programs that encourage and promote future environmental scientists and leaders in caring for God’s creation. Through these programs and your gifts, you are helping us to equip the next generation of Christian leaders in creation care, giving them the kno
Back2Back Ministries 10/19/2011
By supporting our India programs, you provide a way for the children to break the cycle of poverty from which they come, and you give hope of a brighter future, not only to the children, but to the world they will impact! We are currently working with hundreds of children in a children's home.
Bakke Graduate University 4/20/2009
Bakke Graduate University strengthens ministry leaders who steward resources with and for vulnerable people and places, by means of contextual Christian-based education innovatively delivered throughout the urban world.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 7/27/2015
The Good Shepherd Christian Academy (GSCA) is dedicated to providing a high quality, bilingual education to students. The GSCA houses 13 classrooms and serves more than 130 students, including those who are residents of BMDMI's Good Shepherd Children's Home.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 7/27/2015
The Mount of Olives Christian School serves more than 350 students enrolled from preschool through high school in San Gregario, Nicaragua. Students are offered the chance to move ahead with a quality, Christ-centered education as well as the tools needed to grow into productive citizens.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 3/25/2020
In 2012, BMDMI extended its mission into Nepal and is currently working to establish medical, dental, and educational programs to reach the hurting in one of the world’s most desolate countries.
Project Life® 7/27/2015
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 7/27/2015
Project Life® is a follow-up ministry of BMDMI’s Short-Term Medical Mission Trips. As Team Members encounter patients who require more intense and specialized medical treatment, the patients are referred to the Project Life® program, which works to make the procedures possible through providing the means for necessary treatment. Project Life® cases have included treatments such as open-heart surgery, cleft palate surgery, and burn.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 1/5/2009
Short-term Mission Teams with BMDMI work to provide medical care, dental care, veterinarian care, construction efforts, and direct evangelism to people living in remote villages throughout Honduras, Nicaragua, and Nepal. Each year, short-term team volunteers treat more than 100,000 patients, fill more than 500,000 prescriptions, and distribute more than 30,000 Bibles while sharing the Gospel with everyone they meet.
Barnabas International 10/7/2008
Barnabas International provides encouragement to missionaries, MKs, global servants and their families! Support us as we go, listen, speak and give grace!