10/40 Connections
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves!” says Proverbs 31:8. Our Voice for the Voiceless curriculum instructs audiences about the God-given value of females and the babies they carry. Merging science and the Gospel, audiences understand women’s health, baby development, nutrition, and the truth of abortion (from the pro-life side). Domestic violence declines, repentance increases, families heal, and lives are spared from death. $5,850 will open a new language and train teachers.
30 Hearts
30 Hearts is a nonprofit providing family-based care for orphaned and vulnerable children in Ethiopia. 30 Hearts partners with local nonprofits in Ethiopia to provide holistic, residential care for orphaned and vulnerable children. We build and operate Family Development Centers where children are raised by Ethiopian women in multiple homes.
4KIDS of South Florida
4KIDS brings hope to babies, kids, teens, and young adults by providing safe and secure environments for healing, equipped parents and caregivers who are trained to love kids from hard places, essential resources to meet their physical needs, nurturing counsel to help them thrive, and a renewed sense of value in their hearts.
A Center of Hope CPC
Women’s Health and Wellness Clinic of Walton is a ministry dedicated to communicating truth to abortion-vulnerable women and families and offering compassionate care by providing life-affirming resources. Healthy Families Living Christ-Centered Lives, Practicing Purity, Pursuing and Promoting the Sanctity of Human Life.
A Child's Hope International
There are many children who go hungry every weekend in the Cincinnati Area. For 450 children in extreme need across 3 of the most underserved neighborhoods of Cincinnati, we are providing a solution. Every weekend these children are provided Hope Sacks, which contain nutritious, easy to prepare food (and fresh items) for the weekend. These children are in deep need and would go hungry for the weekend without support. Your help means that children receive Hunger Free weekends which go a lo
A Child's Hope International
We are focused on strengthening families locally and globally. Globally in remote areas through interventions that include nutritional support, educational support, medical care, clean water, micro-grants. Our focus is on making the community stronger and to move toward sustainability. Locally we also support adoptive, foster and kinship families in need of extra supports through our Family Support Grants.
A Door of Hope Pregnancy Center
Please consider contributing to A Door of Hope Pregnancy Center as our caring staff give free services such as pregnancy tests, confidential support, community referrals, ultrasounds, and more to the women in the local community.
A Family for Every Orphan
A Family for Every Orphan believes that the best way to care for orphans is by placing them with loving Christian families. Currently, we have several projects that need funding. Your donations will help transform the lives of precious orphaned children and the brave families who making the move to foster/adopt.
AAA Pregnancy Resource Center
The AAA Pregnancy Resource Center exists to offer care and support to those who are facing an unplanned pregnancy and those who are sexually active. We are a Christian organization with trained client associates who provide free pregnancy tests, confidential peer counseling, resources, material goods, and post-abortion counseling referrals. Please help support AAA PRC as we provide resources to promote life, teach God's design for sexuality, and provide counseling for post-abortion healing.
AbbaCare’s ministry is more crucial than ever to those facing unplanned pregnancy. Pandemic fears and financial concerns add to our clients' reasons for considering abortion. We come alongside these women and men with the love and support they need to see past the uncertainty of the present. Also, many of our clients have lost income as a result of Covid. As we provide them with diapers and other essentials for their baby, we have additional opportunities to share the love of Christ with them.
For those facing an unplanned pregnancy, it often seems they have no "choice" at all. At AbbaCare, we have the blessing of coming alongside women and couples who need hope, healing, and empowerment in order to choose life for their baby, and life-building decisions for their future. Your donation helps us reach women in the Northern Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and in the Martinsburg, WV area as well.
AbbaCare has been serving women and families facing unplanned pregnancies in the Winchester, VA area since 1988. We were so excited to open a second location in Martinsburg, WV in February 2020! Martinsburg is a very under-served area in desperate need of the message of HOPE and LIFE that only Jesus can bring. Your donation will help us maintain our new location as well as continue to serve in Winchester.
ABC Women's Clinic
Lives are impacted daily! Because of your generosity, babies are saved and moms are made new creatures in Christ on a regular basis. Every week, life changing decisions are being made here at ABC Women's Clinic.
Access Justice
Metro Christian Legal Aid is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) ministry devoted to helping individuals with legal issues, individuals and churches in disputes and Christian non-profit organizations. This ministry serves those in need of legal aid by providing legal consulting services on a limited engagement basis. We will meet with individuals in financial, spiritual and legal need to consult, advise and provide guidance in legal matters and on legal issues.
Advent Christian Village
Advent Christian Village is a retirement community that expresses Christ's love by providing compassionate care and quality comprehensive services to senior adults. ACV aids seniors who have outlived their resources by assisting with personal care, nursing care, assisted living, medical transportation, meals, and housing.
Adventures in Missions
Help families strengthen their bond and develop a "Great Commission-oriented" family mindset by serving together on the mission field for a week.
Adventures in Missions
Help enable participants to experience opportunities, encounter God, and experience a passionate relationship with Him. As they step out of their comfort zones, this is a great opportunity to serve, grow, plant spiritual fruit, and minister side-by-side with others.
Agape House of Northwest Tennessee
Oasis Medical Clinic provides complete, accurate information, free lab-quality high-sensitivity pregnancy tests with immediate results, compassionate medical consultation and pregnancy consultation, and state-of-the-art ultrasound services to women and couples who are making decisions about unintended pregnancies.
Agape House of Prescott
We exist to provide long-term transitional housing for families who are without a residence. We work to rebuild and transform families’ lives and prepare them for an independent and self-sustained future.Agape House of Prescott shows families in crisis love and support and share the hope of Jesus. Through discipleship, mentoring, life skills training, and interim housing for homeless families in crisis, Agape House has achieved an 86% success rate of families living independently one year after
Agape of Central Alabama
As a ministry of Jesus Christ, Agape’s mission is that vulnerable and orphaned children find permanency in safe, nurturing families. Since 1978, Agape has helped more than 2,000 children through foster care, and more than 250 children through the permanency of a Christian adoptive family. We have counseled hundreds of pregnant women facing unexpected pregnancies to make the best choice for their future and the baby’s future.
Agape Pregnancy Resource Center
Because of your support, many lives have been saved, both physically and eternally. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us financially.
Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach
Your donation allows us to support moms who choose life. For 26 years, we have been dedicated to upholding the sanctity of life and fostering a culture of compassion and support for those facing the challenges of unplanned pregnancies. Rooted in our Christian values, we extend a loving hand to those in need, guiding them in compassion, understanding, and practical resources.
Alaska Freedom Journey
Our heart at Alaska Freedom Journey is to be a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to bringing about healing and freedom from sin for the people of our lands through faith in Christ Jesus by: Training and growing Native leaders in ministry, partnering with organizations and individuals with the same vision, supporting Native ownership of ministry in the villages, towns and cities of our people, and building hope for the future by supporting children’s and teen ministry.
Align Life Ministries
We’ve extended life-giving pregnancy services to families within Lebanon and Lancaster Counties for more than three decades. We’ve come alongside thousands of pregnant women who were vulnerable to the pressures of abortion—some believed that abortion was their only choice. We provide first trimester ultrasounds, present pregnancy options, and meet some of the multi-faceted needs of mothers and fathers who want to parent their babies.
Alliance South Central
At Alliance South Central Ministries, we believe that lost people matter to God, Prayer is the Primary work of the people of God, everything we have belongs to God, knowing and obeying God’s word is fundamental to all true success, and achieving God’s purposes always involve taking faith-filled risks.
Alpha Grand Rapids
Our hope is that every client will say that Alpha Women’s Center of Grand Rapids is the best place to go for help. Our model of personalized care ensures clients’ needs are met with expert help and genuine compassion. We walk alongside women who are experiencing challenging circumstances, such as an unplanned pregnancy, by providing a safe place to make choices. AWC empowers women to thrive by offering holistic care through free and confidential services.
Alpha International Ministries
We support local believers by training and sustaining a local leader and their efforts to reach hard pressed communities. We create healthy communities through providing poverty-stricken children with biblical teaching and a first-class education, we are reaching communities with the gospel and helping to break the cycle of poverty.
Alpha Pregnancy Center
At Alpha Pregnancy Center, we offer assistance to women needing pregnancy services, abortion education, and abortion recovery. Services include pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, materials assistance, childbirth classes, Earn While You Learn parenting program, post abortion counseling and community referrals. Please contact us at 410-833-7864 if you are interested in giving to Alpha.
Alternate Avenues Women's Resource Center
When you know the value each life has, you can’t help but join in. Assure is dedicated to providing a way for you to make a difference. Join other supporters who care about the unborn and have decided to do something
Alternatives Women's Center is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Alternatives mission is to provide medical medical and educational services that empower women and men to make life affirming choices concerning pregnancy and sexual health. Our vision is to be the first choice for those facing an unplanned pregnancy and sexual health decisions. AWC is a fully licensed medical clinic. Services are free, staffed with 11 employees and 25 vol. We are financed by gifts from individuals and churches.
Alternatives Pregnancy Center
The currency of your donation is transformed into hope and new beginnings in the lives of those we serve. At Alternatives, panic and confusion are dispelled as teens, women and men are surrounded by respect and love. The 30-year legacy of Alternatives Pregnancy Center continues - join your legacy with ours and make a difference everyday with your donation.
Alternatives Pregnancy Center
Alternatives Pregnancy Center is a non-profit women’s medical health clinic licensed by the State of California. Founded in 1983, Alternatives is dedicated to meeting the medical, emotional, material, and spiritual needs of women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Ambassadors for Christ International-USA
We are a fellowship of gospel preachers and teachers with a clear eternal perspective who have been called by God to preach Christ. Our Christ-centered, Spirit-filled evangelists are devoted to righteous living. We are committed to the body of Christ; the Church, and seek to be a catalyst for revival, evangelism and training of believers throughout the world. Please help support this ministry as we carry on the work of the Lord through His provision.
America World Adoption Association (AWAA)
At America World Adoption Association, we believe that every Christian is called to provide hope to orphans. Many feel this call strongly resonate with their hearts, but don't know where to begin. AWAA is here to help you bridge that gap from desire to orphan care. Whether processing identity legal paperwork for children or giving practical living supplies to orphans or providing a plane ticket home to older children, AWAA is excited to partner with you as you become an orphan advocate.
American Family Association
Support the American Family Association as we represent and stand for traditional family values, focusing primarily on the influence of television and other media - including pornography - on our society.
American Friends of International China Concern
Our Community Outreach Project is taking huge steps to prevent abandonment in China. The project offers urgent support to parents of children with high needs by giving them the essential tools and skills they will need to provide care. We offer support groups, physical therapy, respite services, advocacy for education and vocational training opportunities.
AMG International
Christ-centered program managing thousands of cases of abuse, neglect, and trauma in the dangerous urban settlements of Guatemala City. In partnership with IJM International Justice Mission, children are being rescued and restored while violaters are brought to justice. Also doing extensive work with the justice system, advocating for children's rights and proteciton.
Amnion Women's Center
Amnion’s mission is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and to protect and advocate for the sanctity of all human life, born and unborn, through the provision of abortion alternative services that empower mothers to choose life.
Ananias House
Ananias House seeks to preserve the rich Christian heritage of Biblical times, and, in the face of darkness and despair, proclaim the light and hope of Jesus Christ to believers and peoples of other faiths alike through meeting practical and tangible needs, knowing that it is often in the darkest times that the power of God is most evident.
Another Way Pregnancy Center
Another Way Pregnancy Center exists to provide life-affirming choices by offering faith-based hope, support, and compassion while encouraging self-respect for those experiencing pregnancy or related concerns. We have always strived to save the lives of unborn babies at risk of abortion by serving the women and men facing unplanned or difficult pregnancies. Your donations enable us to help families in our community and supports our work of rescuing and restoring precious lives.
Arise Ministries
Arise Ministries helps single-parent homes rebuild lifestyle foundations. We encourage and equip through our online education center with podcasts, videos, and articles that are accessed by single moms around the world. Recently launching online Bible studies and connect groups, Arise Ministries comes alongside single moms in their journey. Your gift would allow us to continue effective outreach programs that change lives and homes. You don't give to Arise but through Arise.
Arizona Baptist Children's Services & Family Ministries
Make a one-time donation, or become a monthly partner to help support critical services provided by ABCS ministries to hurting children and families across Arizona. Your contribution is tax-deductible, and qualifies for Arizona Tax Credits. You may designate your gift to any one of our seven ministries.
Aspire Together
The goal of the Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Burlington and St. Albans (Vermont) is to help clients make informed choices – for today, for tomorrow, for life. Your one-time or recurring donation enables the dedicated staff at Care Net to offer caring, supportive, life-affirming services to clients.
Assist Pregnancy Center
Assist Pregnancy Center exists to promote life through Christ to those vulnerable to abortion. Our vision is that women and men would choose physical life for their unborn child, spiritual life through a relationship with Jesus Christ, and abundant life by walking in obedience to Him. We provide pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, options counseling, pregnancy and parenting education, men's mentoring, sexual integrity outreach, and post-abortion counseling and Bible studies, all at no charge.
Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching & Service
In China, ACCTS' programs focus on building friendships, trust, cooperation, and peaceful relationships through: 1) Educational and cultural visits and exchanges, 2) Development projects in a peasant village, and 3) Medical assistance projects. Give today to help further the work of ACCTS in the China Ministry!
Assurance for Life
Assurance for Life understands that you want to make an eternal difference in the lives of the clients we serve. We want to help you do that. When you give to Assurance for Life, Inc., you immediately become part of a greater purpose. Nearly 3,800 people are alive today because their parents found the help and encouragement they needed at Assurance. Please join us in saving lives today!
Atlanta Union Mission
Hope begins with a meal! For $2.67 you can provide a meal for one person at Atlanta Mission! Each day, we provide over 950 men, women, and children with meals, shelter, employment support, counseling, and more!
Austin Disaster Relief Network
Giving where it matters most into ADRN’s General Fund equips ADRN with the resources needed, including personnel, supporting materials, equipment, and other disaster related materials to help us fulfill our mission to meet the emotional, spiritual, and physical needs of those affected by disaster.
Bakersfield Pregnancy Center
Thanks to the support of our community, in 2016, over 300 precious babies and their mothers were saved from abortion. Donate now to ensure that this priceless work continues in 2017.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International
The Good Shepherd Children's Home (GSCH) in Honduras is home to more than 100 children in Honduras that have been abused or abandoned. The GSCH provides medical, dental, nutritional, educational, psychological, and spiritual care to the children.
Barnabas International
This fund is set up to maintain the greatest flexibility for use as needs arise – from direct care for national leaders, for assistance with our ministry partners and for operating funds for current ministries in Ukraine. We will maintain connection and communication with our ministry partners and national church leaders as we anticipate a collective response in aiding those in need.
Basin Youth for Christ
Jesus is the life in all of our stories. We’re working to bring that truth to light by building Christ-Centered communities of young people in the Klamath Basin.
BCM International
BCM International is doing evacuation and relocation of women, children, and orphans out of harm’s way. We are providing medical supplies, temporary housing, food, and clothing, and coordination of transport for the movement of the displaced Ukrainian refugees from conflict areas to safe havens in western Ukraine and neighboring countries. For those unable to relocate we provide aid and support as possible.
BCS Together
Our mission is to partner with the Church and community to tangibly support kids and families in the foster system while advocating to keep the biological family together. We exist to connect those we serve with caring members of our incredible BCS community: churches, businesses, agencies, nonprofits, volunteers, and donors. Our hope is to bring the light of Jesus to all those we serve and work alongside.
Be Broken Ministries
Be Broken provides resources and guidance (both online and in-person) for individuals, families, and churches directly impacted by sexual brokenness. Whether you are a man needing help to overcome a pornography addiction or other unwanted sexual behaviors, a wife in need of healing from betrayal trauma, parents looking for resources on God-centered sexuality, or a church wanting to minister to those in need, Be Broken is here to help!
We need your financial assistance to continue this vital wor
Be There Ministries
Be There Ministries (BTM) is dedicated to defending the weak and fatherless, and serving the poor and oppressed, as inspired by Psalm 82:3. We rescue street orphans in Addis Ababa, providing them with food, shelter, education, and biblical counseling. Through partnerships, we offer hope and life transformation for vulnerable boys, ensuring they know they are loved, valued, and cared for. Join us in making a lasting impact through your support!
Beautiful Feet Ministries
Beautiful Feet Ministries Of Tanzania Exists To Bring Hope And Healing To The Lost And Hurting People Of Tanzania By Restoring Hope To Children & Families, Providing Healthcare, And Investing In Christian Leaders.
Beltway 8 South Crisis Pregnancy Center
We are more fully convinced with each passing year that we live in an uneducated society when it comes to abortion. Wherever a door of opportunity opens to give forth the truth about abortion and cast out lies about pro-choice, we will accept the challenge. Please consider contributing to help us expand this area of the ministry!
Bethany International
Bethany International is a Christian missions training and sending organization dedicated to mobilizing disciples of Jesus and the church worldwide for the increase of God’s Kingdom.
Bethel Agricultural Association
Bethel Agricultural Association, Inc. is a faith based non-profit organization that is working with another non-profit organization in Ethiopia whose primary purpose is to establish the Bethel Environmental and Agricultural University and Training Center (BEAUTC) in Woliso, Ethiopia.
Bethel Bible Village
If you share the value that every innocent and neglected or abused child should have a temporary place of refuge until his or her family can again adequately protect them and if you value the added spiritual benefit of the nurturing and protection that trained and supported Christian substitute parents and counselors can provide for these children then you should consider channeling your financial resources to help these children of families in crisis through Bethel Bible Village.
Bibles for America
We love God, we love the Bible, and we love what God loves—people. That’s why we’re happy to share the New Testament Recovery Version study Bible and Christian books with people across America, free of charge.
Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center
The Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center supports and empowers women facing an unplanned or unexpected pregnancy with confidential, compassionate help, professional medical care, and accurate information. We are here to help you with all your options in making a healthy informed decision.
Bright Hope International
According to the World Health Organization, “About 830 women die from pregnancy- or childbirth-related complications around the world every day.”
In under-resourced nations, many hospitals will not admit a woman in labor if she does not bring her own delivery kit. As a result, these women must deliver their babies at home without proper tools or sanitation.
When you give a Mama Kit, you can help provide a safe and hygienic birth environment for both mom and baby. Each labor and delivery
BsideU for Life Pregnancy and Life Skills Center
BsideU For Life exists to protect the lives of unborn children and to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed to those who are facing or have experienced a crisis pregnancy. We accomplish this by encouraging and equipping them to live productive lives empowered by God.
Byelorussian Mission
It has been estimated by the Belarus government that 90% of children growing up in institutionalized social milieu will become institutionalized by adulthood either in prison or mental facilities. Consequently, their children will then have to be institutionalized, creating a never-ending cycle.
What we are doing is placing orphans in Christian families.
This allows the children to be exposed to a family lifestyle and, even more importantly, to be brought to church on Sunday.
Calvary Church of Santa Ana
Support families in our church who feel called to adopt, as well as aid foster and orphan care initiatives locally and globally.
Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je Association
It is our mission that everyone would learn to say the words of the song this camp is named for, "I'd rather have Jesus than anything!" Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je is established for the sole purpose of winning souls to Jesus Christ through the spreading of the gospel, the edifying of believers through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God, and the evangelizing of campers through witnessing and missions. Please consider supporting Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je so we can help benefit so many churches and schools
Cannon Beach Conference Center
The modernizing of the dining room and kitchen fits well within CBCC’s mission statement. These areas are central to providing guests relaxation and spiritual renewal in our beautiful setting. CBCC’s vision and practice have been to carefully lay projects before the Lord, moving forward as donors pray and support the project financially.
Care Net
Help us reach pregnant, abortion-vulnerable women nationwide. Each day, 3,300 women wake up in America believing abortion is the only realistic solution to an unplanned pregnancy. In this tragic decision, not only is a human life snuffed out, but a woman’s life is changed forever. Care Net seeks the route of supporting one woman at a time, to spare her and her unborn child the anguish of abortion.
Care Net Center of Greater Orleans
Care Net Center of Greater Orleans is a Pregnancy Medical Center, offering pregnancy testing, education and limited ultrasounds. We provide these services in a safe and comfortable environment, giving those who find themselves dealing with an unplanned pregnancy the time they need to process, obtain critical information and make decisions about their situations. We offer support during and after pregnancy, with parenting classes, a learn-to-earn program with material aid in the form of diapers,
Care Net Pregnancy & Family Services of Puget Sound
You can give a life-saving gift today! Whether it be a financial gift or a material gift, your contribution will be used to make a positive impact on the lives of women and their families in your community!
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Albuquerque
Please consider your contributions to Care Net as we provide a safe place for women and their families to explore their options related to pregnancy and their future. We fulfill this mission by being the most trusted faith-based provider of confidential, loving support as well as free services, including limited medical care and support services for women, men and families.
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas
Since 2004, the Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas has served well over 2,600 clients each year for pregnancy testing alone. We promise to give compassionate care, practical support, accurate information and links for futher resources and information. If you wish to help support Care Net of Central Texas, please contact us at stella@carenetofcentraltexas.org.
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Frederick
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Frederick relies on the generous financial support of individual donors, local churches and businesses to fund the daily operation costs of our ministry. To partner with us, please consider joining us by making a financial donation.
Care Net Pregnancy Services of the Treasure Coast
Contribute to Care Net Pregnancy Services of the Treasure Coast as we defend life and meet the physical, social and spiritual needs of those who may be experiencing a crisis pregnancy. We bring healing and wholeness to lives traumatized by abortion, to present the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to challenge our communities to adopt a godly view of sexuality and the sanctity of human life.
Care Net Resource Pregnancy Centers
Care Net is a nonprofit on a mission to bring practical help and hope in Jesus Christ to women facing pregnancy decisions. Will you join us and speak up for those who cannot speak (Proverbs 31:8)-- unborn children in the womb--by bringing truth and care to their mothers and families? As a LIFE DEFENDER, your faithful monthly gift of $25, $50, $100 or gift of your choosing allows Care Net to provide free evidence-based medical services, time with counselors, and the light of Christ.
Care Pregnancy Center
The Care Pregnancy Center empowers individuals to make informed, life-changing decisions by providing facts, confidentiality, emotional support, and practical assistance. Our vision is to create a culture where abortion is unthinkable. Our mission is to reduce the number of abortions by offering life affirming support and education in an accepting environment. Please consider supporting us today.
CareCenter Ministries
The Basket is a food program that serves over 10,000 individuals annually, giving boxes of food that will feed a family for three to five days. Our mission is to support and strengthen the poor, so they can eventually give back to the community in both body and spirit. The bulk of the food is purchased from the North Texas Food Bank for fourteen cents per pound. Because of this, your contributions can be used to help many people. Donations are welcomed!
CareCenter Ministries
The Tree of Life is a one-year residential program for battered and addicted women that provides refuge, training and a faith-based, 12-step program. The program also includes refuge for single-mothers and their children providing shelter, support, advocacy, education, and resources needed to live independent lives free from addiction and violence. Your donations will help set these women and their children towards a path to success!
Caring Network, NFP
For 35 years, CareNet has been on the front lines in the battle for life. Our team has the best tools in the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy - the latest in ultrasound and skilled counselors who address the issues that compel a mother to seek abortion. But despite our tremendous effectiveness, nearly 5,000 abortions take place in DuPage County and surrounding communities. Help us reach women first - by adding centers and increasing internet advertising - to save the life of their unborn child.
Caring Network, NFP
Women faced with an unplanned pregnancy are often frightened and alone, cannot move beyond the difficulty of their circumstances, and don’t know where to turn for help. CareNet welcomes women with caring, non-judgmental support that empower them to choose life for their unborn, while sharing the truth in Christ. Prayerfully consider a gift to CareNet Pregnancy Services of DuPage – we rescue a child and save a mom!
Caring Network, NFP
Ultrasound is a powerful tool that reveals truth, introducing a mother to her baby. Even women committed to abortion are moved by the sight of their unborn child’s heartbeat and activity in the womb. CareNet’s nurse manager spends time providing mothers with as much information as possible on the development of their babies, free of charge, so she can truly make an informed choice. Prayerfully consider a gift to CareNet Pregnancy Services of DuPage – precious lives are at stake!
Caring Network, NFP
Ending a pregnancy can be devastating to both women and men. In a group or individual setting, CareNet offers the opportunity for deep healing to those who experience ongoing guilt or grief from a past abortion. Restore provides free, confidential post-abortion support to those in DuPage County and surrounding communities. Prayerfully consider a gift to CareNet Pregnancy Services of DuPage to help heal women and men.
Caring Solutions of Central Georgia
Caring Solutions began in 1984 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that delivers compassionate services to women and their partners facing unplanned pregnancies in a nationally-accredited healthcare setting. We strive daily to make a difference in the lives of those experiencing unplanned pregnancies and have multiple locations to serve our patients. We have recorded over 48,000 visits and are dedicated to helping as many people as possible.
Caris Pregnancy Counseling and Resources
Caris is a ProGrace pregnancy counseling agency providing free services to any woman who is facing, has faced, or is at risk of facing an unplanned pregnancy. Our vision is to see women and children thrive during and after unplanned pregnancy.
CEFF (Chinese Education Freedom Fund)
At the Chinese Education Freedom Fund (CEFF), our mission is to advance God’s Kingdom by developing Christ-centered, classical curriculum and teacher training resources for K-12 education in China.
Center for Arizona Policy
Center for Arizona Policy, Inc. (CAP) is a nonprofit research and education organization committed to promoting and defending the foundational values of life, marriage and family, and religious freedom. CAP works to accomplish these goals by influencing policy, communicating truth and empowering families.
Center For Christian Growth
We're excited about partnering with people who have a heart for kids and understand the life-changing impact the camping ministry can offer people of all ages. We have a big vision to grow and serve in Texas and would love for you to jump in!
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding
Donate and become a CPYU Ministry Partner today!
The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding is a nonprofit organization committed to building strong families by serving to bridge the cultural-generational gap between parents and teenagers.
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding
The mission of CTI is to provide resources for students, parents, pastors and educators to think more deeply about the transition from high school to college. This mission is accomplished through: (1) Speaking: College Transition Seminars are presented across the country to students and parents. (2) Writing: Articles, books, and expert interviews. (3) Blogging: A regularly updated blog provides commentary on trends in higher education.
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding
Providing information and resources for parents, youth workers and educators to help kids navigate their digital world.
Center for Pregnancy Choices Metro Area
The CPC Metro area is a nonprofit with medical clinics that are here to listen, encourage and equip those facing pregnancy decisions. We have been serving the Jackson Metro area for over 30 years and have served over 23,000 women in our community.
Central Michigan Youth for Christ
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Chariots for Hope
Chariots for Hope exists to honor God by loving, nurturing, and providing for vulnerable and orphaned children by leading and sustaining holistically healthy children's homes in Kenya. We seek to provide these children with opportunity and hope so that they develop into exemplary citizens, leaders, and followers of Jesus Christ. We invest in them through social, emotional, and spiritual care as well as education that goes far beyond just primary school.
Chariots4Hope is a faith-based, not-for-profit organization that supports low-income families and individuals to maintain self-sufficiency through reliable transportation and ride programs.
Child Hope International
Research and scripture confirm that children belong in families. Sadly, of the 32,000 children who live in orphanages in Haiti, 80% of them have families. The main reason for family separation is poverty. With the proper support, most of these families could care for their children in a loving home.
Child Hope International is working to reconcile and reunify children living in orphanages with their families, by providing support and hope.
Childcare Worldwide
Bibles are a “luxury” for poor families simply trying to survive. Often multiple families must share a single Bible. But for just $16 you can give a child their very own Bible to help them grow and learn about Jesus.
Childcare Worldwide
Right now, hundreds of children are drinking dirty water. They risk pain, disease and even death with every sip, but they have no other options. Thankfully, you can help! You can help build clean water tanks and distribute water filters to families in need. Each gift will save children hours of hard labor, and transform the community’s health. Through our church partners, your gift will even help introduce children to the Living Water found in Jesus!
Childcare Worldwide
You can share a meal with impoverished children for just $1 per meal! Each meal strengthens their health, helps them focus better in school, and improves their quality of life. Best of all, each meal opens the door to sharing the Gospel! Give a meal today to help them thrive both physically and spiritually.
Childcare Worldwide
In poor communities, many families live in make-shift shelters of corrugated metal and scrap wood. But for an average of just $5,500 you can give a family a new start in life. With a stable foundation, solid walls, and even electricity, this is a fully functional and furnished home – including bunk beds for the kids!
Childcare Worldwide
Without access to running water, there are thousands of children who are forced to gather water from muddy, contaminated ponds or purchase it from unreliable, unpurified sources. And this dirty water is destroying their lives. Water-borne diseases prevent them from attending school and their Life Centers, and can even threaten their very lives.
Thankfully, there is a simple solution!
A household water filter can clean even the dirtiest water, leaving it completely safe to drink! And YOUR G
Childcare Worldwide
With this gift, you’re providing a healthy meal for a child at one of our Life Centers. For many, it is the best meal they have all week, full of the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy. But more importantly, each meal removes the pain and distraction of hunger! By filling their bellies you’re helping them focus and engage better in our spiritual development curriculum, and walk closer with Jesus!
Childcare Worldwide
Beat the buzz! Mosquito nets are one of our most powerful tools in fighting deadly diseases like malaria and yellow fever. These specially treated mosquito nets repel the pesky, dangerous bugs, while keeping kids safe and snug in their beds.
$16 provides one mosquito net.
Children to Love International
Children to Love International was born out of a call to respond to the plight of orphaned and abandoned children in Romania in the early 1990’s. CTL began working with orphanage officials to facilitate international adoptions and to meet the immediate needs of children who could not exit the system. Since then, CTL’s impact has multiplied and expanded to India, Uganda, Ukraine and Thailand. Please consider partnering with us to provide hope for suffering children in the name of Jesus.
Children's Hope
Currently, Children’s Hope cares for 50 children at our children’s home, provides education to over 1,200 children, serves over 4000 people through our medical clinic, and engages and serves over 5000 community members in some way through our short-term mission teams. Your donation will help us shine the light of hope in Haiti as we care for children, strengthen families, and serve communities.
Children's Shelter of Cebu
Foster Friends is a long-distance friendship between a sponsor and a child being ministered at Children's Shelter of Cebu. Foster Friends is a “win, win, win” situation. The children receive the security that comes from knowing that people across the world care about them. The sponsors receive the joy of knowing that they are making a difference in the life of a needy child. And CSC receives financial help for the purchase of food, medicine, and other needed items.
If you’re considering abortion for your unexpected pregnancy, get the facts about procedures, side effects, and potential risks first. You deserve to know the truth. Our staff will give you the guidance you need to make an informed choice. Schedule a free, confidential consultation to confirm your pregnancy and discuss your options.
Choices Clinics
Through compassionate care, education, counseling, practical support, and community networking, we support teens, women, couples and families who are facing the challenge of an unplanned pregnancy as well as offer hope and healing to those suffering from the heartbreak of a past abortion. LifeCare Network’s mission is to lead those we serve to the unconditional love of Christ as we protect the sanctity of human life, promote biblical sexuality, and proclaim God’s plan for marriage and family.
Choices Medical Clinic
Choices Medical Clinic empowers women to avoid having an abortion by providing prenatal medical care, social services, education, practical support and adoption information - all at no charge!
Choices Pregnancy Centers of Greater Phoenix
CPC is a non-profit, life-affirming ministry whose mission is "saving lives and protecting futures." Our goal is to impact the community by offering programs and services that boldly speak the truth in love while offering choices, support, and hope. Please call 602-508-3340 to make a donation.
Choices Pregnancy Services
Help us help those who need it most. By becoming a monthly donor you will receive ministry updates and information as well as invitations to special events that promote life. Your financial support makes a difference!
Choices Women's Clinic
Support True Life Choice in their efforts to provide free services to pregnant women. Please call 407-244-5527 to make a donation.
Chosen for Life Ministries
Most children who enter foster care have very little to call their own. Many times they enter a new home with literally the dirty clothes on their back and nothing else. If you would like to join us in this mission by helping purchase monogrammed pillowcases, towels, and duffle bags, please send a check to Chosen for Life Ministries with “My Name Matters” in the memo line, or donate online and call or email us to let us know your gift was intended for the My Name Matters gifts.
Chosen People Ministries
Chosen People Ministries has established a relief fund for Jewish people caught in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. We will use a portion of the funds to help with food, housing, and transportation for those fleeing to the western part of Ukraine. We even hope to help some of these precious war-torn souls find their way to Israel. The needs abound, especially among the elderly and those who have young children and cannot access their limited bank accounts.
Chris Mikkelson Evangelistic Ministries
Chris launched this evangelistic ministry to bring the Good News to the nations of the earth. This ministry exists to preach the Gospel in the most remote and un-reached parts of the earth to those who have not heard the Gospel message.
Christian Family Care Agency
Christian Family Care's foster care program, licensed through the state of Arizona, provides short and long term care for children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. CFC's role in serving these children is to recruit, train, license and support foster families who have the qualifications and expertise to help children with a variety of special needs as a result of their circumstances. On any given night, there are approximately 400 children in CFC homes.
Christian Family Care Agency
Christian Family Care has joined forces with Safe Families for Children to bring a successful national compassionate model of service that gives hope to families in crisis. SFFC is reducing the rate of child abuse and neglect, and keeping families intact by providing safe and loving homes for children while their parents deal with temporary crisis.
Christian Friends of Israel-USA
Emergency relief campaign to assist arriving Jewish refugees to Israel with bedding, blankets, sleeping bags, First Aid kits, solar lanterns, hygiene/sanitary kits, water, and food coupons.
Christian Heritage
In FY 2017-2018, 7,967 children were involved in the foster care system in Nebraska. Most of these children were taken out of their homes and placed in foster homes. Christian Heritage began working with HHS in 1987 to provide foster homes for some of these children. What began in one family home has now become a multi-city outreach with an average of 205 children cared for in Christian Heritage foster care across Nebraska on any one day. Touch the life of a child!
Christian Heritage
Families Together is an opportunity for the local Church to step up and begin caring for families in crisis like never before. By providing safe, loving, temporary housing for kids at risk, Families Together provides the time and support bio parents sometimes need to get back on their feet and begin a new chapter in their life. There are are a number of amazing ways and impactful roles through which people in the local church can serve and support these families; but the biggest thing Families
Christian Heritage Academy
Christian Heritage Academy has been providing Christian education and training since 1972 with a vision of training American Christian leaders for every sphere of society. CHA is a fully accredited, private Christian school serving families of the Oklahoma City metropolitan area from grades Pre-K through high school. Committed to excellence in academics, athletics, and the fine arts, CHA is sending out leaders prepared to influence others for the sake of Christ and the glory of God.
Christian Mission Centers
Every week, we provide three meals per day, 7 days a week out of our Christian Mission kitchen in Enterprise. We provide access to our New life Recovery program, emergency shelter, and a benevolence fund.
City For The Nations
Uniting cities in the Great Commission, we empower every believer to fulfill their strategic role. Our vision: zero unreached people groups. Join our prayer movement, interceding for the spiritually darkest places. Together, let's bring His Kingdom to all nations.
City Union Mission
City Union Mission provides food, shelter, clothing, medical care, counseling and the gospel to the homeless of the greater Kansas City area. The Mission provides a camp, in the summer, for urban children. It costs us an average of $16.31 per day to care for the multiple needs of each person.
CityTeam is a faith-based nonprofit, compassionately serving our neighbors experiencing homelessness, poverty, hunger, and addiction. Our programs have locations in San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, and the Philadelphia area. Since 1957, CityTeam has been serving neighbors in need. CityTeam aims to restore lives and rebuild communities through innovative and holistic programs, which provide food, shelter, clothing, job training, and spiritual transformation.
Clearway Clinic
Clearway Clinic is a caring, non-judgmental clinic. We specialize in supporting women with unplanned or unwanted pregnancies. Our mission is to help during this vital decision-making process by sharing knowledge, wisdom, and resources. Every woman’s situation is unique and we are committed to serving individual needs.
The CLUB1040 purpose to reach the unreached of the 1040 window often happens through projects. Your support of the current high priority projects creates capacity to reach thousands more this year.
Coaches Outreach
Passing on a healthy faith means passing it on in the context of a healthy marriage. Your support of this ministry helps make it possible for coaches and their spouses to get refreshed and renewed so that they can minister to others. Please support this valuable ministry.
Coalition of Care
Coalition of Care is a nonprofit bridge ministry focused on mobilizing churches to respond to God’s call to care for orphans & vulnerable children. We partner with churches to establish a sustainable ministry that serves vulnerable children.
Columbus Christian Academy
Columbus Christian Academy is an esteemed biblical worldview PreK-12th grade school located in the heart of Mississippi. CCA is proud to partner with Christian families seeking to educate their children with the assurance of biblical worldview standards.
Come Over and Help
During the winter time the main financial burden for poor families in Eastern Europe and Russia is paying for public utilities. Most of the families spend 50% of their monthly income on these utilities. The Winter Help Program provides the neediest familes with food, heating, and medication. Please consider taking part in supporting these families.
Commission 127
We strengthen and support foster, adoptive and biological families in crisis by creating community and equipping churches to launch and lead Family Advocacy Ministries.
Compass recognizes that foster care is the mission field right next door, in our community, and all around us. Compass provides training, 24-hour support, financial assistance and ongoing parental education to foster families, as well as ministering directly to foster youth through educational support, school assistance, 24-hour support, adult and independent living skills and other individual assistance. Consider giving to this valuable ministry to youth and families.
CompassCare Pregnancy Services
CompassCare's mission is to erase the need for abortion by transforming women's fear into confidence. CompassCare offers free, ethical medical services to women facing unplanned pregnancies in order to give them a vision of a healthy future after having a child. Using ultrasound, STD testing and treatment, and a comprehensive community referral plan, CompassCare offers all the resources, information and support these women need in order to turn their fear into confidence.
Connie Maxwell Children's Ministries
Connie Maxwell has a long history of caring for children and their families, and has continued to develop new programs with individualized services that provide stability and Christ-centered support during their time of need. We offer support in four different ways: Residential care, family care, crisis care, and foster care.
Corazón de Esperanza
Corazón de Esperanza, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing hope to orphaned children, at-risk teens and impoverished women of Northern Perú through the support of youth transitional homes, orphanages, schools, youth development, women’s sustainability projects, short term mission trips and volunteer programs.
Corazón de Esperanza
Corazón de Esperanza, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing hope to orphaned children, at-risk teens and impoverished women of Northern Perú through the support of youth transitional homes, orphanages, schools, youth development, women’s sustainability projects, short term mission trips and volunteer programs.
Cornerstone Assistance Network
Cornerstone Assistance Network was established to meet the needs and restore the hope of individuals and families suffering under the burden of poverty. Cornerstone serves thousands each year with emergency food, clothing and furniture; free medical, educational and employment services. Cornerstone’s vision is to complete renovations and continue expanding and creating needed services. Please help us to complete Phase II of this project. An additional $2,766,000 will complete the renovation.
Cornerstone Assistance Network
Cornerstone Health Services offers a free Medical Clinic serving the uninsured in Tarrant County. The newly expanded clinic provides non-emergency care to families ineligible to obtain healthcare through other services. The mission is to provide quality comprehensive healthcare to our patients, diabetic and healthy heart education, cooking classes and a fitness facility. Now available is a vision clinic for cataract and other eye procedures for Tarrant Co. residents.
Cornerstone Assistance Network
Transitional and Permanent Housing is offered through scattered site housing which provides up to 24 months of rental and utility assistance to homeless families. All participants receive intensive case management services. The New Life Center offers 18 homeless men a seamless transition from rehabilitation services as they emerge from drug addiction. The Promise House offers housing to women as a part of re-entry services. The Housing Dept. builds low income housing for those who qualify.
Cornerstone Ministry Village
Cornerstone Ministry Village, Inc dba ThriVe Orlando relies on the generous financial support of individual donors, local churches and businesses to fund the daily operation costs of our ministry. To partner with us, please consider joining us by making a financial donation.
Cornerstone Pregnancy Services
Cornerstone Pregnancy Services provides life-affirming alternatives to abortion, support services to women facing an unplanned pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment to those who are experiencing lifestyle distress. Our mission is "Share Christ, Save Lives, Transform Hearts" with over 1000 women who seek out our services yearly. Your gift of $365 or $30/month will ensure that a life-changing appointment will occur at our center or on our mobile unit.
Cornerstone Reproductive Health
Not every pregnancy is filled with joy, love, and expectancy. For many, it is a time of shame, guilt, despair, and confusion. Not knowing where to turn can lead women to believe that abortion is their only option. Cornerstone educates and equips a generation to make choices that honor the life God gave, the relationships they are in, and the world around them. Your prayers and support help clear the way for God’s truth and life to be revealed and healing to take place, one life at a time.
Council for Life
Council for Life is motivated by Christ-like love and responsive compassion. We are committed to raising public awareness of the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and providing financial support to agencies that share our mission. We celebrate Life in all we do.
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is setting forth the teachings of the Bible about the complementary differences between men and women, created equally in the image of God. These teachings are essential for obedience to Scripture and for the health of the family and the church.
Creative Ministries
WJTL is a radio ministry that plays contemporary Christian music. We are a commercial-free, listener supported radio station. Your support will help us continue to glorify God in the Lancaster area.
Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater
The Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater (CPC) is a Christ-centered organization whose mission is to reach out to those women and families involved in crisis-related pregnancies offering them real help for the present, hope for the future, and healing for their past. Support the ministry of CPC and save lives and spare hearts from a great tragedy in our community!
CRISTA Ministries
Assist CRISTA as we honor Christ by bringing joy and purpose to the lives of seniors. We provide a spiritually healthy community reflecting Christ's love to seniors!
Cross International
There is a transformation taking place in impoverished areas of the Philippines! Cross asks for donations to help CCT assist 1,000 poor, but ambitious, families to build profitable, faith-based businesses with micro-loans, low interest rates and weekly fellowship groups where about 30 “partners” meet to study the Bible and encourage each other in business goals and financial discipline.
Cross International
Thousands of Haitians cross the border into the Dominican Republic, hoping to find work and a better life. Often, they find themselves practically enslaved as they live in conditions worse than what was left behind. Since their children have no documentation to show they have legal residence, they cannot attend state schools and are left to run the streets. A Christian development group, MEBSH, started 6 schools for these cane-cutter children, which allow 1,100 students to receive an education.
Cross International
Thousands of Haitians cross the border into the Dominican Republic, hoping to find work and a better life. They often find themselves practically enslaved as their families live in conditions worse than what they left behind. Making only $3 per day, these immigrant cane-cutters don’t have enough money to feed their families, going days without food. Working through a Christian development group, MEBSH, Cross provides supplemental food bags — filled with beans, oil rice, flour, and sardines.
Cross International
An estimated 5 million families in the Philippines are in need of safe housing. These poor men, women, and children live each day on the edge of survival. Working with a Christian community development foundation, Cross is helping transform these dirty, dangerous slums into safe, beautiful communities with the hope of a brighter future. Several families are waiting to receive a well-constructed home. A gift of $2,500 will build a sturdy new house for a family in desperate need.
Founded in 2002 by Jim and Lynne Jackson, "Cross-Generation" with Connected Families, is dedicated to providing content and support to empower thoughtful and confident parenting. Our focus is on fostering Christ-centered transformation through a global community of parents, coaches, and partners with a biblical parenting framework.
Crossfire Ministries
We are in desperate need of some pantry staples such as, flour, sugar, oil, salt, baking soda, baking powder, etc. We are also in need of any and all non-perishable food items. Partner with us in helping to feed the hungry in our community. Financial donations or donations of items accepted anytime!
Crossfire Ministries
The need for coats is greater than ever and the cold weather is quickly approaching. Partner with us in providing warmth for families. Consider partnering with us in this coat drive!
We learned to stop asking “how do we help someone in poverty?” and we began to ask instead, “how do we help get someone out of poverty?” At CrossPurpose, we abolishing relational, economic, and spiritual poverty through career and community development. We help people in need achieve certifications and/or apprenticeships in one of many available career tracks for FREE.
Crossroads NOLA’s mission is “to connect children in crisis to the families, individuals, and opportunities they need to thrive.” Your support to this ministry enables Crossroads NOLA to recruit, train, and support foster parents, and to change the lives of children in the New Orleans foster care system. Please consider a one-time or monthly donation to this valuable ministry.
Crossroads Asia International
Making disciples and planting reproducing churches in India, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. Our entry strategy—which is used to begin broadly sharing the Good News—is based on connecting with these foreign traders entering the “Crossroads City” by tapping into their desire to become more successful businesspeople. Through our training institute, attractive business training is offered and, ultimately, the Gospel is shared. Persons of Peace are identified and discipled.
Crossroads Care Center
Crossroads Care Center helps women and men who are involved in an unplanned pregnancy to choose life for their unborn children. We help them make decisions based on factual, godly information that allows them to understand that their child is a gift from God, created in His image. Last year we had over 2200 appointments, doing pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STI/STD testing and treatment and peer counseling. We also teach sexual risk avoidance at the center and in 52 public and private schools.
Crossroads Care Center
The SHARE program is an enhanced Sexual Risk Avoidance Program now taught in twelve school districts and 52 schools. For more information, please visit our web site at http://www.shareforyou.org.
Crossroads Kids Club
Mobilizing God’s people to share the Good News in public schools through church-led clubs and connecting children and families to the life of a local church in their community so that they might experience the abundant life that Jesus promised.
Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center
Valuing all human life, the CCPC compassionately ministers hope to those experiencing unplanned pregnancy, healing to those who have experienced abortion, and upholds truth to our community through sexual risk avoidance education. We believe that all have intrinsic worth and are created in the image of God. All services are free of charge and all are welcome.
If you wish to donate to the Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center please call 615-451-1717 or visit us at www.ccpcfriends.org.
Daybreak Ministries
The mission of Daybreak is to empower women, men, and families in the Midlands to choose the most positive, healthy, abundant life for themselves and the unborn by providing exceptional care, education, and medical information about sexual health and pregnancy. We extend grace, speak truth, build connections, and offer hope in a compassionate manner to ensure that everyone in our community is empowered to choose the abundant life that God intends for us all.
Del Rey Missions – el Rancho Del Rey
Challenged by a mission that continues to burn in our hearts and inspired by faith in a God who knows no limits, we envision a place where children who have been traumatized will grow in safety. We will provide an environment that has the resources to meet a full range of physical, spiritual, social, emotional and intellectual needs, and where the boys’ parents receive training, safe haven as needed, and support to become healthy families.
Delaware County Pregnancy Center
DCPC is a Christ-Centered organization that supports women, men and families facing an unplanned pregnancy. Based upon the Truth of scripture, we educate them to make informed decisions concerning their pregnancy and personal relationships.
Donor-supported since 1986. Will you help us bring the message of hope and LIFE to those facing an unplanned pregnancy? Abortion is NOT the only alternative!
Direction 61:3
DIRECTION61:3 will walk alongside older foster and aged-out youth to provide a network of support as they transition to become vibrantly independent young adults. The goal is for youth (ages 14-24) to discover God’s specific purpose and direction for their lives while being fully supported in our resident and non-resident programs.
Dr. James Dobson Family Institute
Your gift will help Dr. James Dobson continue to provide trusted advice to families through his new ministry Family Talk using radio, video, social media, web, newsletters, and other resources. Family Talk’s listener-supported programs offer sound biblical principles to strengthen marriages, equip parents, present the gospel, and engage the culture.
Earth Mission
We are committed to meeting the physical needs of people as a reflection of our Christian beliefs. We do this by providing culturally sensitive, efficient and sustainable solutions to problems that require technical or medical skills, and by mobilizing prayer and financial support.
East Alabama Area Youth For Christ
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
East-West Ministries International
We desire to reach the unreached with the gospel even in the midst of war and temporal uncertainty. Because of this, we have partnered with national partners and partner churches in Ukraine and neighboring countries to identify and develop immediate ministry plans for aid relief and gospel ministry. Your gift will help fund this immediate response ministry plan to extend the love of Jesus in the midst of the Ukraine crisis.
Eastern Mennonite Missions
Based on over 120 years of mission experience, we at EMM strive to integrate best sending practices and support systems into every stage of a worker’s mission assignment. From your first encounter with EMM to your last day on the mission field (and beyond), EMM is committed to walking with you in our core values of obedience, well-being, and multiplication every step of the way.
Education for Life
Because all people have inherent value, we promise compassionate care while providing education through medically accurate, truthful information surrounding the ongoing physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of sexual health and pregnancy decisions to women, men, and families. We are a non-profit, Christ-centered ministry in Ocala, Florida.
Embrace has provided life changing programs and resources to vulnerable children and their caregivers. Our services are provided at no cost to the families we serve thanks to the generosity of our community, partner churches, and the many volunteers who give their time and talent to improve the lives of children. By partnering with Embrace you’re helping children lingering in the foster care system find the love and stability of a forever family.
Embrace has provided life-changing programs and resources to vulnerable children and their caregivers. Our services are provided at no cost to the families we serve thanks to the generosity of our community, partner churches, and the many volunteers who give their time and talent to improve the lives of children.
Embrace has provided life changing programs and resources to vulnerable children and their caregivers. Our services are provided at no cost to the families we serve thanks to the generosity of our community, partner churches, and the many volunteers who give their time and talent to improve the lives of children. By partnering with Embrace you’re helping children lingering in the foster care system find the love and stability of a forever family
Embrace provides life-changing programs and resources to vulnerable children and their caregivers. Our services are provided at no cost to the families we serve thanks to the generosity of our community, partner churches, and the many volunteers who give their time and talent to improve the lives of children.
Embrace Grace
Embrace Grace exists to help inspire and equip the church to love and encourage single and pregnant young women and their families. Women experiencing unexpected pregnancies receive practical, spiritual, and emotional support through our global support groups.
Embrace Waiting Children
Embrace has provided life-changing programs and resources to vulnerable children and their caregivers. Our services are provided at no cost to the families we serve thanks to the generosity of our community, partner churches, and the many volunteers who give their time and talent to improve the lives of children.
eMite is a non-profit dedicated to connecting donors with impactful charity around the world. Described as a “matchmaker for donors and charities”, our mission is to join givers and charities in first class, trustworthy humanitarian outreach
Engadi Ministries International
We’re a non-profit organization on a mission to restore the children of Guatemala’s slums
to their full potential in Christ. We want to create a brighter future for families who fight to survive in Guatemala’s violent slums. That begins by raising up boys to become men of character and influence.
Ethiopia ACT
We are a gospel-centered, multi-cultural team actively loving the “least of these" of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We work to reconcile people to God through Jesus Christ, and to reconcile them to themselves, others and creation—all resulting in the planting, growing, and maturing of churches that in turn transform lives and communities through faithful witnesses to the Gospel.
Evangelicals for Social Action-Fresno
Evangelicals for Social Action (ESA)/Love INC of Fresno serves the community by connecting caring Christian churches, ministries, and individuals, to their neighbors in need.
Every Child Ministries
Child sponsorship is an incredibly effective tool for improving the lives of vulnerable children, but it does not come without limitations. One alternative that combats some of these limitations is our Family Empowerment Program.
Family Empowerment provides education, guidance, spiritual mentoring, training, medical help, and employment opportunities for entire families, not just one or two children.
Sponsors develop relationships with the parents as well as the children.
Every Child Ministries
In Africa, most families don’t have the means to properly care for the special needs of a child with a disability. At ECM we have chosen to focus on God’s ability to restore hope in the lives of these children, and not on their disability. We work to improve quality of life by covering medical expenses, medical equipment, physical therapy, and respite care for parents. We educate families and communities regarding disabilities and how the needs of children with these special needs can be met.
Every Child Ministries
Medical needs abound in Africa, as they do around the world. From eye exams and eyeglasses to surgeries, medical equipment, and even nutritional supplements, ECM strives to provide these needs to show the love of Jesus in practical ways. This is often done through 1 to 3 day medical camps set up in a village or community, but sometimes ECM is made aware of a need that requires care as quickly as possible. When funds are already available, we can meet these needs more quickly and efficiently.
Every Child Ministries
We can take clear, healthy water for granted. Africa, if a well is not near, the choice may be drinking dirty, contaminated water or walking miles to the nearest well and carrying heavy jugs of water back to your home. ECM has provided training for some of our staff to drill wells, but also hires companies that specialize in the work to drill a well in a community. Both provide needed clean water that many community members can enjoy for continued good health.
Every Mother's Advocate
We work with Child Welfare Agencies, Pregnancy Resource Centers, and Churches in densely populated urban communities with high volumes of poverty and maltreatment. We address the root causes of the crisis with sustainable solutions through social support, education, court advocacy, and mental health resources empowering every mother to achieve independent stability.
Exile International
Join Exile International and take an active role in helping war-affected children become leaders for peace. Exile International provides physical, emotional, and spiritual care to thousands of children healing from trauma. Hundreds of young people serve as “Young Peacemakers” in their communities, and dozens of national leaders and caregivers are being trained to facilitate trauma care programs. Become a Restore Partner to support the ongoing efforts to change the lives of war-affected children.
FaithBridge Foster Care
FaithBridge exists for one reason: to change the way America does foster care. And we do that by partnering with local churches and supporting families who provide a loving, safe place for foster children. You can help. By sponsoring a foster child or getting involved, you can make an eternal difference.
Family Connections Christian Adoptions
Throughout California, the US, and the world, more than 145 million children need permanent, loving families. FCCA is a full-service adoption agency licensed by the State of California to provide domestic and international adoption services, including adoption from foster care, overseas orphanages, and from birth mothers placing newborns. We do our work as a service to Jesus Christ and in response to His command to care for the orphans of this world (James 1:27).
Family Empowerment Centers of Chicago
It is also our conviction that real empowerment, freedom, and holistic growth have their foundation in an individual’s experience of the love of Christ through His body. the church, and the truths found in the Scriptures. Family Empowerment Centers recognizes mankind as spiritual, physical, psychological, and social beings.
Family Heritage Foundation
Family Heritage Foundation (FHF) is a Christian Ministry focused on serving refugee families and at-risk children in Clarkston, Georgia. FHF offers after-school programs, summer camp, adult computer classes and youth development program. Clarkston, Georgia is home to many refugees in the Atlanta area because of the low cost of housing and its access to Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA).
Family Legacy Missions International
At Family Legacy, we believe the winds of change are still blowing, evoked by the Holy Spirit and made possible through education for all. We believe that when you educate a child you change the world. Whether that education lasts for years or days, it stays. No one can take it away. Empowering these children is God's work; we are simply striving to be His hands and feet to encourage the wind to blow.
Family Life Communications Incorporated
Family Life Communications delivers inspirational, Christ-centered Christian music with relevant, Bible-based programs such as Insight for Living, Focus on the Family, and In Touch. These are all focused on communicating Christ's love and hope.The flagship Family Life Radio program of Intentional Living, while it's own ministry, also bolsters the outreach to those in need of Christ, with a popular, nationally syndicated call-in opportunity. Support the work of this ministry by giving today!
Family Life Services
Nestled on the west side of Colorado Springs is an intimate community of single moms and their children. It’s a secluded village—a safe place carved out for courageous women who are building new life patterns and leaving old ones behind. These are working moms who are also working hard at transformation. It’s gritty and challenging—and full of promise.
Family Research Council
Established in 1983 in Washington, D.C., Family Research Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, advancing Faith, Family, and Freedom from a biblical worldview. FRC conducts research, develops policy, drafts legislation, educates policymakers, pastors and the grassroots, testifies before Congress and shapes public debate through the media and internet. FRC depends on your financial support to sustain our work. Please give today!
Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center
Donations and contributions, no matter how big or small, are vital to our ministry. Help guarantee the existence and effectiveness of this ministry by giving today!
FCOP International
FCOP International is a church planting movement that cares for widows, orphans, and separated children in need in the nation of Cambodia. Through church planting and services such as medical and dental care, wells and water filtration, micro-enterprise, prison ministry, food and clothing distribution, disaster relief and many more, FCOP is changing the nation of Cambodia, one life at a time.
Feeding the Orphans
Many widowed Ghanaian women struggle to provide for their children. They face a gut-wrenching decision: keep children whom they cannot feed, put them in an orphanage, or allow them to enter into slave labor in exchange for food and shelter. We provide single mothers with artisan training and materials to generate income so the family can stay together. These single moms also receive training as disciples of Christ, so they can grow in their faith and raise their children in the joy of the Lord.
Fields of Hope
On Eagles Wings (OEW) works to prevent children and youth from falling victim to sex trafficking, offer assistance to those still trapped, and restore survivors by offering hope, healing, and a brighter future
Finger Lakes Pregnancy Care
From pregnancy tests and options information to referrals for onsite ultrasounds, we offer no-cost and confidential care for women. Finger Lakes Pregnancy Care Centers have been working with clients in Ithaca and Surrounding areas since 1987. Our location in Cortland has been serving the area since 2013. We are a judgment-free, confidential space for you to figure out your next step and be successful. It’s always your choice and we’re here to equip you with information and resources.
Finishing Well Ministries
While we may retire from an occupation, as disciples we never retire from growing in Christ. Jesus calls us to press on and to “Finish Well.” Our productivity for Christ keeps growing out of who we are in Him, and our impact ought to be increasingly compelling throughout the final decades of life. At every age we live, He calls us to invest continually in eternity by investing in others. Your donation helps Finishing Well Ministries to equip the older generation for maximum spiritual impact.
First Care Women's Clinic
From material to financial resources, Cobb Pregnancy Services relies on the donation of our ministry partners. Please give a gift today and allow us to make a life saving and life changing impact on the men and women who come to the center.
First Care Women's Clinic
Continue the work of First Care Family Resources as we preserve the dignity of all who are affected by unplanned pregnancy!
First Choice For Women
First Choice for Women is a compassionate, faith-based organization that offers free physical, mental, and spiritual support to empower individuals facing difficult relationships, pregnancy, and parenting decisions in the East Central Indiana Region.
First Choice Women's Resource Centers
With five locations in New Jersey (Morristown, Montclair, Jersey City, Newark and Plainfield), First Choice protects the unborn by empowering women. Approximately 11,000 women, babies and students are served, some in our centers and others in their public high school through our Real Talk presentation. With an estimated 12,000 abortions performed per year in our service area, we provide counseling, medical services and practical support so that abortion is not needed or desired in our area.
First Coast Women's Services
First Coast Women's Services is a pregnancy resource center dedicated to preventing the tragedy of abortion by offering truthful information, emotional support and practical assistance to women facing unplanned pregnancies. We present sexual abstinence as a positive lifestyle for singles and provide opportunity for healing and restoration to those who have been hurt by abortion. Our services are free and confidential and supported solely through donations and fundraising.
First Image
Accelerate the work of Pregnancy Resource Centers of Greater Portland by giving a donation to further empower individuals to make life-affirming decisions through education, counseling and compassionate care based on the ministry of Jesus Christ! $10 pays for printed materials for one woman to go through our HEART ministry. $45 funds one ultrasound scan. $250 covers all the costs for a woman to go through our program from pregnancy test to birth.
First Liberty Institute
First Liberty is preparing for a nationwide effort to protect the First Amendment rights of high school students. Top students and valedictorians have earned the right to speak at graduation ceremonies and many will want to honor God. Some will be hindered, as our client Angela Hildenbrand was, when a judge decreed she’d be thrown in jail if she prayed. We won Angela’s right to pray and speak of Christ in her graduation speech. Your gift will help Liberty protect these rights.
First Priority Global Ministries
First Priority is a church-based, school-focused, student-led ministry that is all about the united body of Christ in a community using a proven strategy to raise leaders and reach the next generation with the hope of Christ.
Fishhook International
The plight of widows in India is generally precarious at best. The vast majority live in poverty, poor health and illiteracy with little hope. Widows of any age are particularly vulnerable to being abused and cast aside by their families. The result is that many of these widows end up living on the streets. Fishhook International seeks to care for as many widows as we can in Christ-centered group homes. A $30 per month or one-time gift helps us provide for these women who have been cast out.
Five 18 Family Services
We believe God wants to deliver help, hope and healing to every struggling child and family in South Central Virginia.
Our mission is built on the foundation of connecting with other agencies, churches, and families. This makes us uniquely better for the children and families we serve.
Focus on the Family
Through your gifts to Focus on the Family, you help strengthen families, promote traditional values and transform lives through the power of the gospel. But you also accomplish something else: You enable Focus to extend its ministry to those who cannot afford to support it.
Offering international Short Term Mission Trips with a variety of healthcare services through the local indigenous churches and mission partners. Staffing clinics hosted by indigenous churches, often offering people their first visit to see a dentist, eye doctor, or physician.
For the Nations Refugee Outreach
We offer a wide variety of educational programs to help refugees continue in the long process of adapting to life in the United States. We also help families adjust to life in America by advocating for them. Most importantly, we share with refugees the good news of Jesus Christ. Over the last several years we have developed high quality, effective educational programs and our vision is to bring these proven programs to more and more of the area’s large refugee population.
Fort Wayne Rescue Mission Ministries
To provide, through the power of Jesus Christ, a home for the homeless, food for the hungry, and hope for their future, offering nutritious meals, referrals & other support to the public 365 days a year.
Fort Worth Pregnancy Center
If you choose to make a financial investment in this ministry, our commitment to you is that all funds are used wisely and with complete accountability to our donors. Every gift is invested in reaching out and making a difference in the lives of the women who come for help, and in the lives of their unborn children. Won’t you consider being a friend of the center?
Fostering Hope New England
Fostering Hope empowers churches and individuals to care for children and families impacted by foster care. We serve as a trusted partner to guide churches into sustainable service to the foster care community. We encourage and empower individuals to serve the foster care community in a way that aligns with their current gifting and capacity.
Fostering the Family
Fostering the Family partners with Live the Promise. Working together, our goal is to flood the foster care system with well trained, well supported foster families.
We endeavor to create an environment where children and families can thrive through legislation and policy changes.
Four Corners Ministries
The Child Development Program at Abaana’s Hope is designed to assist vulnerable children in realizing their full potential in Christ, in the home, and in the community. “A tree is easier bent when it is young,” so we believe now is the time to invest in these children from a comprehensive approach. The program is designed to give them a solid Biblical foundation to make a positive change in their homes and to lead the next generation. By sponsoring a child, you are providing a scholarship into t
Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center
Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality – Romans 12:13. Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center relies on the generous financial support of individual donors, local churches and businesses to fund the daily operation costs of our ministry. To partner with us, please consider joining us by making a financial donation.
Free the Oppressed DBA Free Burma Rangers
The Free Burma Rangers (FBR) is a multi-ethnic humanitarian service movement working to bring help, hope and love to people in the conflict zones of Burma, Iraq, and Sudan. Working in conjunction with local ethnic pro-democracy groups, FBR trains, supplies, and later coordinates with what become highly mobile multipurpose relief teams. After training these teams provide critical emergency medical care, shelter, food, clothing and human rights documentation in their home regions.
Friends of Tenwek
Tenwek’s Community Health & Development programs provide community-based health care and appropriate development within needy communities. This holistic ministry focuses on taking God’s hope to the individuals, families and communities that need it the most.
Friendship Center for New Beginnings
Donations will be used to share the Gospel as we assist single parent families with new baby and children's clothing, diapers, baby toiletries, and minor home and car care/repairs for those enrolled in our Life Skills classes regularly - also for abstinence education and premarital and marriage strengthening outreaches in the community.
Galcom International USA
Touching Hearts Through Trips
In addition to our technological approach, we believe in the power of personal connection. Our ministry organizes trips to engage directly with communities, share the gospel, and provide support to those in need. These trips allow us to build relationships, understand local needs, and bring the message of Jesus to life in meaningful ways.
Gate of Hope Ministries International
Gate of Hope Ministries International exists to create an environment where East African individuals, families and communities are equipped and empowered to live out a more spiritually fulfilled, socially connected, and economically stable life in order to holistically transform their communities and nations.
Gate Pregnancy Resource Center
Gate Pregnancy Resource Center’s mission is to minister to the needs of those facing difficult pregnancy decisions by providing hope, help, and healing. We do this by focusing on three holistic areas: Life, Eternal Life, and Quality of Life.
Gateway Women's Care
Help Gateway serve more women so that they find the help and hope they so desperately need. $100 will save one unborn baby through our online marketing campaigns, and $300 will save three unborn babies this summer,
Generation to Generation Network
Our vision is to lift up children from dehumanizing circumstances with the grace of Jesus, redefining and fighting poverty alongside the younger generation.
Genesis Community Health
Our clinic is an integrated healthcare facility providing primary medical care, basic dental, mental health, specialty referral, and medication assistance to those who are uninsured and have a lower income. When you give to support the work of Genesis, you provide fuel for improving the health and well being of people and communities. You are coming alongside a “neighbor” and helping him or her build a ladder out of their situation.
Genesis Waters
Genesis Waters provides water solutions to communities around the world without access to either water or the message of Jesus Christ. Once people are no longer physically thirsty, they are much more open to hearing about the living water of Jesus Christ!
Geneva Camp & Retreat Center
The mission of GENEVA Camp & Retreat Center is to create an environment where the presence of God is experienced, the love of Christ is demonstrated, and a Spirit-filled life is inspired. Your support of Camp Geneva keeps camp affordable and makes it possible for ALL kids to come, regardless of financial situation. As we approach the end of the year, please consider a gift to help us connect kids with Christ.
Giving Grace
Giving Grace is a 501c3 organization that serves individuals and families with children in Denton County who are currently homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless. By offering our continuum of care, we empower individuals and families with the consistent support and community they need.
Global Impact International
Global Impact International is partnering with the City of Rome to re-purpose of the former Southeast Elementary School building as The Restoration Rome Center for Foster Care Services (Restoration Rome).
Global Outreach
At Global Outreach, we believe that God has called us to go in Christian compassion and love in an effort to alleviate spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental suffering around the world. We feel that God is leading us to care for orphans and widows and support indigenous Pastors and Christian ministries in such places as India, Thailand, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Bosnia.
GO on the Mission
GO equips impoverished children to conquer the cycle of poverty through holistic Christ-centered care, enabling them to become followers of Christ who bring hope and healing to their worlds.
God Cares Ministry
God Cares Ministry seeks to connect Christ-centered churches and individuals with senior care facilities by providing the training and resources needed for this unique mission field, and by supporting Christians and ministries as they make an enormous difference in the lives of seniors. Please consider donating to this valuable ministry or adopting a care facility with your church or family!
God's Garage
God’s Garage is a Christ-centered, 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry that provides reliable transportation to single mothers, widows and wives of deployed military in need. We also provide life skills training in the areas of budgeting, meal planning, single-parenting, job interviewing and basic vehicle maintenance.
Gospel Rescue Mission of Tucson
For over fifty years, the Rescue Mission here in Tucson has been a relief for those caught in the shackles of homelessness and addiction, cutting through the chains of circumstances binding these men and women and reestablishing them on the road of freedom and hope. Give today and continue our work to not only meet the physical needs of these precious souls, but also meet their spiritual, educational and job related needs.
Grace Based Families
Would you like to be part of equipping families for every age and stage of life? You can by making a tax deductible donation to Family Matters, a ministry committed to equipping couples, parents, and grandparents to keep their commitments and bring the best out of those they love the most. Your donations will be used to develop additional tools to encourage and strengthen families all over the country.
Greater Baltimore Center for Pregnancy Concerns
The Center for Pregnancy Concerns was founded in 1980 for the purpose of providing women facing an unplanned pregnancy with a place to explore their options in a non-threatening, comfortable environment. We offer a variety of services, all of which are entirely free. Our mission is to protect the physical, emotional and spiritual lives of women and their unborn children. As we continue to come to the aid of women and their families, our need for your financial support continues to grow.
GRIP Outreach For Youth
GRIP Outreach For Youth is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization created to connect youth with caring, Christian mentors to build Life-on-Life relationships. GRIP provides programs and resources to develop young people spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Haiti Hope Alliance
Our mission is committed to the spreading of the Gospel and meeting the needs of the Haitian people through economic development and empowerment.
Hands of The Carpenter
Hands of The Carpenter (Hands) is a faith-based nonprofit community that uniquely serves low/fixed income single mothers and widows by addressing the often overlooked issue of transportation. Hands provides automobile donation/placement, repair, maintenance, and related education to keep women on the road towards economic self-sufficiency. Hands welcomes volunteers with some car repair experience to help with minor repairs and maintenance on clients’ vehicles and to prepare donated cars for use.
Harmony Women's Care
CareNet-RI has been serving the women and men of RI for 30 years. Our goal is to offer women facing unplanned pregnancies the support and information they need to change their fear into confidence. We believe that strong, confident women make healthy choices for themselves and their families.
Harvest Aviation
Harvest Aviation conducts both pilot training and mechanic training at its facilities under Federal Aviation Administration guidelines. We also accept shipments of materials for our missionary families. We also show young people what it is like to serve in missionary aviation as a mechanic or pilot.
Harvest USA
Consider becoming a donor of Harvest USA and help equip the church in bringing the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform the lives of those affected by sexual sin.
Heal Africa USA
The HEAL Africa teaching hospital in Goma is one of only three referral hospitals in the DR Congo. The 197 bed hospital provides surgery, orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine as well as providing a range of Family Medicine care and consultations. It is the hospital of choice for good care in the region. Area residents come to the hospital for quality eye care and dentistry. Consider donating to the “Adopt-A-Bed” project or other aspects of the ministry.
Healing Hands International
Our mission is to aid, equip, and empower those in need around the world in the name of Jesus Christ so they might experience God’s healing grace. Our vision is a world that is full of hope where physical needs are met and hearts are surrendered to Jesus Christ. At the core of Healing Hands International reside our mission, vision, and values. Everything we do as an organization is driven by these principles.
Heart for Lebanon
Heart for Lebanon serves in a politically volatile region with many security challenges. We believe that being "the hands and feet of Jesus Christ" we need to be one of the first to respond to man-made and natural disasters as they arise by providing for people's basic needs of food, safety, and shelter. Once material needs are met, healing and restoration of hearts can begin. Iraqi and Syrian refugees in Lebanon are the focus of our humanitarian aid and showing the love of Christ.
Heart of Hope Ministries
No young lady is ever turned away for a lack of funds! It is a life event being a pregnant teen. It is quite another life event being a parenting teen. As a maternity home, we can only serve through pregnancy, and we know that our young minors need a home where they can continue to reach their milestones and be the parent their child deserves and needs. Our Home sits on 23 acres of land, and there is room to grow. When you partner with us, you are impacting generations! Visit our website!
Heart2Heart Outreach of South Florida
Christian volunteers can serve the Lord by caring for the spiritual and emotional needs of the elderly in Long Term Care Centers. Many opportunities to serve in this local mission field are available, each with a different level of responsibility and commitment. Group Bible studies, general facility maintenance, holiday decorating and many more opportunities are available. Or, consider a financial contribution to further our ministry.
Heartlight Ministries Foundation
We provide a safe haven for struggling teens at our residential counseling center. Our atmosphere of relationships creates an arena of change for teens and parents lost in a broken world. We then offer help and direction for parents of all teens through our materials, parenting resources, seminars, and conferences all dedicated to offering effective and practical ways for parents to counter the influence today’s culture is having on their child.
Hellenic Ministries
With no shelter of its kind in Athens, a sprawling city of 5 million people with one of the highest abortion rates in the world, there is great need for a crisis pregnancy center/home. Our desire is to provide counseling and encouragement for girls to give life to their unborn children and not to seek an abortion. We want to offer ‘Hope’ and a safe refuge for girls to stay in during their pregnancy. We plan to help girls get set up in their new life with their baby after they leave our Center, o
Helping Hands Unlimited
Where do girls go when they have no home or family? Many leave school, end up on the streets, and get involved with drugs and other crimes. The Bethesda Home for Girls is a place where girls can seek shelter, love, care, food, education and God. Join Helping Hands in supporting this valuable ministry to girls in the Dominican Republic. Please prayerfully consider donating to the Girls’ Home food or uniform fund, or to another of Helping Hands Unlimited’s ongoing projects.
Here I Am Orphan Ministries
Here I Am Orphan Ministries is dedicated to reaching out to orphaned children domestically and abroad. Your gift makes an ongoing impact on our current programs like Journey of Hope Summer Host Programs, Adoption Grants and Loans, and Forever Family training and events. You are blessing children with the opportunity to learn about their Heavenly Father and helping families bring their children home!
His Heart Foundation
His Heart Foundation is confident that as we draw closer to God we will draw closer to one another. That is why we are passionate about our work in mental health, mentoring, and restoration. We are committed to breaking the stigma of mental illness by serving local churches and individuals - so that they will know that there is hope and healing for their minds, bodies, souls, and relationships.
Holston Home for Children
Our Mission is to see that Children are raised by healthier families that prepare them to live the fullfilling Adult lives that God intended for them. We believe that Every child should be taught about Jesus. All things are possible in Christ. Every child should have a warm and secure place to live.
Holt International Children's Services
Grants from Holt’s Special Needs Adoption Fund offset the cost to adopt children with special needs, and also help families pay for any medical care the child may need once home. Your gift to Holt’s SNAF fund will help children join loving, permanent families of their own.
Holt International Children's Services
Orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children around the world need love; they need belonging and security. Established on a Christian foundation over 50 years ago, Holt International continues to be a world leader in international adoption, domestic adoption and programs that enable children to have families of their own. Through Holt you can bring a child into your life by adopting or by sponsoring the care of a child in our program.
Holt International Children's Services
Help where it’s needed most. Your gift will help us immediately address the specific, vital needs of children and families – needs that might otherwise go unmet.
Holt International Children's Services
By providing livestock, vocational training or start-up funds for a small retail business, Holt helps struggling families work toward a place of self-reliance and lasting stability. Your support for Holt’s income-generating programs can help give families the tools and resources they need to care for their children.
Holt International Children's Services
Older children, children with special needs, and boys are the children now most in need of families through international adoption. Visit our website to learn more about adopting through Holt International.
Hope 1312 Collective
Our efforts were launched in 2014 by a small group of community members, social workers, foster parents, youth pastors, business executives, who were tired of seeing kids linger in the foster care system and kids from hard places continue to struggle to find hope. We wanted to see resources leveraged for meaningful impact, see the church truly be the church, and lives changed through an encounter with Hope.
HOPE Family Services, A Ministry of Sav-A-Life Calhoun County
Sav-A-Life Calhoun County is a life-affirming ministry that offers emotional and spiritual help to men and women affected by unplanned pregnancies. Our mission is to help mothers and fathers “choose life” for their babies and eternal life for themselves.
Hope For Families Worldwide
Hope For Families helps start programs, organizes and runs camps, and supports the work of existing ministries through practical and financial support, connecting people and organizations in the communities in which we work. Our goal is to expand our efforts into other nations as well as other parts of the US. Your gifts, both large and small, will help us to achieve our mission of helping to share HOPE. Your generous support allows us to make a difference in the lives of hundreds of children.
Hope for the Fatherless
Transforming the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children in Ethiopia in and through the local community.
Hope Haven of East Texas
Hope Haven, a faith-based nonprofit, supports girls in Texas foster care through three programs: Gateway of Hope (ages 13-17), Oak Haven (ages 18-21), and Danielle's Home of Hope (ages 5-17). They aim to provide a loving environment addressing emotional and behavioral issues, helping girls cope, heal, and transition into adulthood. Staff and volunteers follow a rigorous training model from Pressley Ridge for excellence in foster care services.
HOPE International
HOPE International fights poverty by providing loans, savings services, training, and discipleship to families in the world’s underserved communities. Before the Russian invasion, HOPE operated 13 branches in Ukraine, serving over 500 entrepreneurs
Hope International Ministries
Giving help and aid to the countries of Latvia, Baltics, Ukraine, Poland and Romania.
Hope Matters Marriage Ministries
Jeff and Cheryl Scruggs offer several services when it comes to ministering to individuals and couples concerning Marriage and Leadership in the home, their family, and their relationships. On the local level, Jeff & Cheryl offer on-site counseling in Plano, TX; and available for conferences and retreats, they are available for travel anywhere you need them to be. Thank you for considering a donation to Hope Matters Marriage Ministries. Every dollar helps fuel our ministry. God Bless You!
Hope Pregnancy Center of Brazos Valley
Hope Pregnancy Center helps those struggling with the consequences of poor choices and difficult circumstances. Their vision is to encourage, educate, and build relationships throughout the community concerning Hope’s message of hope and sanctity of life. They want to share with them the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ.
Hope Pregnancy Centers
Hope Pregnancy Centers, Inc., dba Hope Women's Centers exists to encourage and equip women to make informed choices regarding unplanned pregnancies. All of our services are free and confidential. To donate, call (954) 724-0005.
Hope Pregnancy Centers
Hope Pregnancy Centers relies on the generous financial support of individual donors, local churches and businesses to fund the daily operation costs of our ministry. To partner with us, please consider joining us by making a financial donation.
Hope Ranch of Montana
Hope Ranch International seeks to follow God in Ethiopia by defending the cause of the fatherless and poor. We help provide hope through love, nutrition, education, shelter, clothing, and health care to needy and orphaned children through child/family support. A vital component is self-generating income and training to sponsor children's parents and guardians. Hope Ranch International comes along side local indigenous NGO's coordinating all sponsorship, sponsor travel, and project development.
Hope Resource Center
Every $1 is significant at Hope Resource Center! Donate a one-time gift or partner with Hope Resource Center with regular, monthly giving. Your gift provides life-changing hope to men and women in the greater Knoxville community. Your support is vital to making Hope Resource Center's ministry possible. For only $1, your donation provides a free pregnancy test, encouragement, support, and prayer to a woman in need. Imagine the impact of $20, $50 or even more!
Hope's Path
Hope's Path serves to provide a place of healing within a Christ-centered environment, where former foster youth are supported, equipped, and empowered to grow in their potential to lead successful independent lives.
One of the most challenging elements of any organization can be funding. Our programs are growing and we need to keep our resources on pace with that growth. We want to be able to respond and include every child who comes to our program for help. We do all we can to be good stewards of the funds with which we are blessed. Your gift will help provide incredible dream-come-true moments for some very sick kids. Will you consider partnering with us in this work?
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic
Our mission is to encourage anyone impacted by a crisis pregnancy to choose life. We are a free, safe and confidential Christ-centered pregnancy medical clinic, providing hope and healing through counseling, education, abstinence training, and recovery.
Houston Pregnancy Help Center
While every gift is a blessing please remember that the electronic monthly support program (eFriends of the Fifth Ward) keeps us stronger and more effective. Please consider becoming an eFriend today!
Houston Pregnancy Help Center
Would you prayerfully consider a gift to help Fifth Ward and Downtown Pregnancy Help Centers serve women, men and children who are at risk for abortion? Thank you for your support.
We anticipate miracles daily.
Human Coalition
Pregnancy Resource Center of the South Hills offers P.A.C.E. Lead by a counselor experienced in post-abortion issues, P.A.C.E. helps women through the grieving process so their pain and guilt can be replaced with the truth of God’s love and forgiveness. Your financial support will help women find hope and peace and discover a new freedom.
Human Coalition
Donate to Online for Life today and save children and families from the destruction of abortion. We are revolutionizing how children and families are rescued from abortion. We have already saved 1,274 children. Together, we can save more. Please join us!
Impact Nations International Ministries
We believe that the gospel of God’s Kingdom carries the power to transform lives. Our goal is to provide the help needed to move both individuals and communities into long-term sustainability, not dependent upon any outside source. We rescue children from slavery, pregnant girls from abusive relatives, vulnerable teens from violent gangs, and countless women from a life of forced prostitution.
Inca Link International
Inca Link’s mission is to reach the 300 million youth of Latin America with Christ’s irresistible love. To complete this goal we seek to identify, connect, facilitate and mentor high capacity youth leaders to multiply their impact in Latin America to reach the next generation.
India Partners
Save a rural family from hunger by blessing them with a goat! Hearty and easy to raise, goats are a great way to help a family increase their income. Goats are start-up capital for a small entrepreneur. Selling just one goat is very profitable and can provide a family with food and other necessities. Your gift also includes feed for one full year.
$130 per goat
India Partners
An Indian buffalo produces about 50% more milk than a cow. The milk is also richer, making it an excellent source of nutrition. A family can sell the extra milk and earn a sustainable income.
$695 per buffalo
Interlocking Ministries
There is a momentum of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the Kenyan people. Interlocking Ministries strives together with the Kenyan believers, training them in evangelism and discipleship in schools, the marketplace, church plants and summer camp programs. We also believe that we need to assist physically with the widows and orphans in the community. We meet regularly with them to pray and discover how to help them meet their needs. We invite you to join us in supporting this valuable ministry.
International Christian Adoptions
Help International Christian Adoptions as we offer children hope in the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. We offer hope for basic needs, hope for an education and a bright future, and hope for a home in a family they can call their own. We provide adoption, foster care, humanitarian aid, counseling and support.
I Pour Life is an international nonprofit that develops people to build stronger communities. We teach individuals with social and economic disadvantages how to develop and apply their unique strengths to become self-sufficient.
There are three ways to support and empower change in a community: relief, rehabilitation, and development. I Pour Life is leading the connectivity between relief, rehabilitation, and development by providing an effective pathway to sustainable change for the individ
iReach Global
Turning up the light in the world's darkest corners...
The persecution of Christians in Africa is one of the great humanitarian crises of our time. Across the continent, believers face unimaginable hardship -- social , economic, spiritual, and physical challenges -- because of their faith.
Jobs for Life
At JfL, we believe God has called us to love our neighbors through work. By helping people not only find and keep meaningful work but to also thrive in their work, we can help restore work back to God’s original design. The Gospel of Jesus Christ and Biblical principles motivate JfL’s vision, mission, values, and practices. We believe in relational community and transformation, and hold firm to the belief that change can truly happen when we all work together.
Joni and Friends
Our mission is to communicate the Gospel and equip Christ-honoring churches worldwide to evangelize and disciple people affected by disability. A nonprofit organization, Joni and Friends shows God's love in a practical way through programs such as: Wheels for the World, Family Retreats, the Christian Institute on Disability and more. Joni and Friends gives practical help, strengthens families and offers education and training in disability ministry all while presenting the Gospel of Christ.
Josiah White's
At its core, White’s provides hope for children, teens and families by offering services which challenge them to live lives of character, stability and service to others. For more than 160 years, White’s has helped families in crisis, in transition and in need of support through its accredited and comprehensive continuum of community-based services, foster care, adoption support and residential treatment programs.
Joy Meadows
Joy Meadows is a foster care community just outside of the Kansas City metro serving foster and adoptive children and families in Kansas and beyond. Joy Meadows's mission is to provide families with community support, housing, and resources so that children impacted by foster care can find stability, healing, and joy.
Jungle Kids for Christ
We are an organization who is passionate about empowering children in the jungle of Ecuador so that they can break the cycle of poverty and abuse and share a message of transformation with their family, community, country, and world.
Katy Christian Ministries
We have Social Service Departments that offer emergency financial assistance, a Food Pantry, a Crisis Center that houses the Domestic Abuse Center and the Sexual Assault Center, Resale Store, and Donation Center. We rely on area churches, local businesses, corporations, and individuals for support. There are many opportunities to get involved and to help us fulfill our mission: “Transforming lives through God’s grace and the generosity of the community."
Kids Alive International
Kids Alive empowers abused, neglected, and vulnerable children in some of the hardest places. Join us in creating thriving families and communities by giving hope to children through restorative education, family strengthening, protective care, and justice advocacy.
Kingdom Workers
Together we are working alongside communities at home and around the world. Everything we do is possible thanks to the support of people like you. People who believe it is possible to bring real change to people's lives—change that is not just for the moment, but for eternity. Discover how we put our mission into action and make a difference in someone's life today.
Lakeshore Pregnancy Center
Positive Options’ vision is to create a vibrant community where every life is valued, loved, protected, and transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. For over 50 years, Positive Options has served West Michigan schools, churches, and our four centers in Holland, Allegan, Grand Haven, and Allendale.
With over 5 out of 10 pregnancies in Michigan being unplanned, the need for vital, compassionate services for men, women, and youth—offered entirely free of charge—is significant. Your gift provides
Lakeshore Rescue Missions
Help provide food, clothing, shelter, rehabilitative services and long-term programs for homeless men, women and children in West Michigan. Our ministry strives to meet the basic physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the homeless and hurting. We invite you to join us in our cause to offer hope and help to the hurting.
LaVie Pregnancy Care Center
At LaVie Pregnancy Care Center we care deeply for women who are in the depths of making hard decisions about their pregnancy. We use the love of God to educate and support every woman and man who comes in for Guidance.
Legacy Coalition
Legacy Coalition is led by Christian grandparents who understand the joys and struggles that come with intentional Christian grandparenting. Our staff of veteran ministry leaders is deeply devoted to helping you pass on your faith so multiple generations of your family follow Christ.
Legacy Pregnancy Center
Legacy Pregnancy Center relies on the generous financial support of individual donors, local churches and businesses to fund the daily operation costs of our ministry. To partner with us, please consider joining us by making a financial donation.
Life Centers
Helping women in unexpected pregnancy situations is a special way of sharing Christ's compassion, love, and hope. Life Centers affirms the value of life in this way by providing a network of care that includes counseling, healing support, and resources that explain the truth about life.
Life Choices Center
Our Positive Choices program educates and empower teens to make good decisions about their relationships and sexuality. We provide the space and the opportunity for them to talk and hopefully learn about some options they may have never considered. We equip youth groups with tools to talk with teens about healthy relationships, and we offer small groups and one-on-one mentoring at Life Choices Center.
Life Choices of Central Michigan
We serve teens, women, men and families. We offer our services free of charge and make our services confidential. Our medical services include pregnancy testing, STD testing and treatment (when available) for females, STD testing and treatment (when available) for males through the age of 21, and limited obstetrical ultrasound.
Life Choices of Memphis
Financial integrity and godly stewardship has always been a top priority at Life Choices. The value we place on the gifts committed to the ministry can never be understated. By your gift, you become an extension of our compassionate care of women and babies. It costs approximately $300.00 per potential mother to be served by Life Choices.
Life Choices Pregnancy & Family Resource Center
Our mission is to expand the kingdom of God on earth by preserving the sanctity and dignity of human life and ministering to all family members needing pregnancy support – by promoting sexual purity, deterring the abortion-minded, and providing pregnancy care services.
Life Choices Pregnancy Care Center
Our mission at Life Choices Pregnancy Care Center is to EMPOWER individuals facing unplanned pregnancies with informed choices, ENCOURAGE them through unwavering support and compassionate guidance, and SHARE the hope and love of Jesus Christ throughout every aspect of their pregnancy journey.
Life Choices Pregnancy Center
We know it’s scary when being faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Over 25,000 women have trusted Life Choices to provide understanding and expert care. Let us guide you through your unplanned pregnancy.
LIFE International
LIFE International's partners are often the only evangelistic life-giving ministries in their country, and they have limited access to training. Our Life-Giving Travel Fund enables LIFE International to send teams overseas to: speak to indigenous pastors and leaders to cultivate vision for life-giving work, train nationals for life-giving ministry, and mentor existing ministry partners in boardmanship, development, strategic planning, income-generating activities, and post-abortion ministry.
LIFE International
Hundreds of individuals and groups from scores of nations have asked LIFE International for help in getting started with life-giving ministry. Through our Life-Giving Impact Fund, we empower and equip nationals by sowing seed grants into new or developing ministries overseas. Gifts to the Life-Giving Impact Fund provide for materials and equipment, vision/training events, projects, microenterprises, etc.
LIFE International
Your partnership with LIFE International reaches men, women, and children around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth about abortion. Lives are being saved physically and transformed spiritually, thanks to those who have teamed up with LIFE in our mission to multiply healthy, Christ-centered, life-giving ministries wherever abortion exists around the world. Every prayer, talent, and gift sown into LIFE helps multiply life-giving ministry and impact lives for Christ.
Life Matters Worldwide
Life Matters Worldwide is providing consulting for the ongoing development of PCC's in Chili, Ecuador, & Peru.
Funds Needed: $4,000
Life Matters Worldwide
Full-time position - 32 hours/week. Funds Needed: $30,000
Life Matters Worldwide
This two day conference for Pregnancy Care Centers (PCC staff, volunteers, and board members) focuses on spiritual growth and effective ministry. It includes challenging and encouraging plenary sessions, educational workshops, and purposeful interaction. 150 or more PCC leaders from across the U.S. join us the 2nd or 3rd Thursday & Friday of May each year. We need individual, business or foundation underwriters to assist us in caring for all the actual costs of the Summit. Funds Needed: $10,000
Life Matters Worldwide
A trip is planned to Honduras to meet with missionaries & nationals. Funds needed: $2,000
Life Network
Since 1983, through the ministry of the Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center, we have served the community in making a difference in the lives of women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy by providing life-affirming alternatives to abortion. Providing vital support and mentorship through our Parenting Program, which empowers and equips female and male clients as they build their families.
LIFE Outreach International Association of Churches
The heart and soul of LIFE Outreach is the LIFE Today ministry – an inspirational program reaching millions of people around the world through broadcast media. LIFE Today is committed to using this medium for its far reaching results. This is one of the greatest tools we have to impact the world with a message of true spiritual freedom.
LIFE Turning Point of Philadelphia
Founded in 2019, Life Turning Point of Philadelphia offers shelter, Bible-based life skills, and training for up to 18 months. The program focuses on securing employment and permanent housing, aiming for robust self-sufficiency.
Our strategy is to empower the youth, make strategic investments to reduce the blight and abandonment and its effects on the lives of families and to build a strong community through resident engagement and shared values. We further believe that this can only be made possible through the extension of God's love and grace that is found in Jesus Christ.
LifeChoices provides services to individuals facing an unplanned pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection. Services include pregnancy testing, limited OB ultrasound, pregnancy options, STI testing and treatment.
LifeClinic Community Resources
Pregnancy Resource Center of Mid-Michigan is funded by donations from individuals, churches, community foundations, and other organizations. Consider supporting this valuable ministry which provides crucial services to women and families such as education, counseling, ultrasounds, STI testing and treatment, medical referrals and ongoing mentoring throughout and after pregnancy. When you donate to PRC, not a penny of your donation is wasted as we empower individuals to make choices for Life!
Lifehouse Maternity Home
Lifehouse is an inter-denominational residential ministry that offers a holistic, Christ-centered program for women and families facing an unexpected pregnancy. Our focus is on teaching young women to become self-sufficient. Beginning with basic issues (food and housing), Lifehouse expands into life-skills training including personal financial training, educational assistance, job placement, and counseling. Our goal is to form the woman as a whole — emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.
LifeHouse of Houston
LifeHouse is a Christ-centered ministry ensuring life for unborn children by providing opportunities for housing, help, and hope for young women during their pregnancies and beyond. Regardless of how God brings them to LifeHouse, each woman is greeted by Christian house parents who care for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being until she delivers her baby or secures alternate living arrangements.
Lifeline Children's Services
Support Lifeline as we seek to equip the body of Christ to manifest the Gospel to vulnerable children. We are a non-denominational, Christian ministry who assists young women experiencing a crisis pregnancy, assists missional Christian adoptive parents to adopt domestically or internationally, and seeks to care for those who won't be adopted by partnering with indigenous churches.We want to see vulnerable children and their communities transformed by the gospel and making disciples.
Lifeline Global Ministries
As a ministry that works with the incarcerated, we believe that true rehabilitation, at its core,
is a transformation of the heart and spirit, as well as the body and mind. From the first seed planted at that one prison, Lifeline Global Ministries has grown to include more and more prisons and jails. And from those prisons and jails our programs have now expanded to impact local churches and community-based groups. Why? Because lives are being changed through Jesus Christ.
Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, we can help you by providing a free pregnancy test, ultrasound confirmation, and answers to your questions about abortion, parenting, and adoption.Our trained staff is ready to provide you with confidential help at no cost, thanks to our generous community support.
Lifeline Pregnancy Help Clinic
At Lifeline Pregnancy Help Clinic, we provide services free of charge to women with unplanned pregnancies. Some of our services include, but are not limited to: pregnancy tests, limited obstetrical ultrasounds, childbirth education classes, prenatal and parenting education, baby supplies and clothing, and maternity clothing. Please call 660-665-5688 to donate today!
LifeSpring Pregnancy Centers
It is our heart to engage and impact the lives of those facing challenges of pregnancy by offering hope and sharing truth. We offer no-cost, confidential pregnancy testing, pregnancy options counseling, limited medical services (including ultrasound), and medically-accurate information on abortion, abortion alternatives, abortion procedures, adoption, and parenting.
Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center
Because Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center believes every life matters, we provide free, confidential support to make the choice of life possible for women, men and teens facing unplanned pregnancies and related concerns. Our services include ultrasound confirmation of pregnancy, parenting preparation with material aid, STD testing, relationship education, and post-abortion support. Donate today to provide young adults with compassionate life support! Call (973) 238-9047 to partner.
Little Lambs International
We serve and empower orphaned children worldwide, with the love of Jesus Christ. We will do that by encouraging, enabling, and teaching them to reach their full potential, giving them knowledge, skills, and confidence to become contributing members of society and leaders of the next generation.
Live the Word
Live the Word began with a fifteen minute radio broadcast on a handful of stations across the country. We have now extended the ministry into video production desiring to further equip believers in effective living for the Savior. Please consider your contributions to this ministry.
Living Room Ministries International
Kimbilio Hospice (Refuge in Swahili) is a 24 bed, inpatient ministry to all ages with terminal illness. Our services include pain management, medical care, spiritual, and bereavement support. Living Room provides counseling for families during the patient’s illness and death. Weprovide care for outpatients, at risk children, mortuary, and physical therapy care. Construction has begun on Phase 1 of our 2nd site in Eldoret which will include a 38 bed hospice, physical therapy, and a chapel.
Living Stones Ministries
Support Living Stones Ministries as we provide spiritual counseling, support groups, educational and spiritual resources, seminars and special events for families with issues of homosexuality.
Liz's Legacy Foundation
Liz’s Legacy works to ensure that struggling children and teens in the Central Florida area receive professional mental health counseling in order to heal and thrive. We help provide these services by working with and providing funding grants to local licensed mental health counselors that are pre-approved by our board. Services are provided to those who could not otherwise afford this life-changing counseling.
Love In Action International Ministries
In response to the Gospel, Love In Action International Ministries rescues orphaned, abandoned, abused, and extremely poor children in Latin America, introduces them to Jesus Christ, nurtures them in a loving family home environment, and equips them through education and discipleship to impact their world for God's Kingdom.
Love One International
Many critically ill children in Uganda don’t have easy access to medical care, so Love One ensures they receive the emergency healthcare and rehabilitative services they need. When children are restored to health, they return home to grateful families and joyful communities.
Loving Education At Home
LEAH encourages established homeschoolers, reaches out to prospective families, and maintains a presence statewide. Your financial support can make a difference for homeschooling across New York. Please support LEAH and our fellow homeschoolers.
Loving Shepherd Ministries
Homes of Hope are not group homes. They are not orphanages. They are families. Plain and simple.
We have established the Hands of the Shepherd (HOS) program to provide opportunities for you to support a Home of Hope. Through the HOS program you become a part of the family.
As an HOS, you do not sponsor one individual child. Rather, you sponsor an entire family! By supporting the family, you are helping 12 children and their house parents succeed as a family.
Lowcountry Pregnancy Center
The LPC is committed to creating awareness within the local community of the needs of pregnant women. Many teen girls and women find themselves in difficult pregnancy situations. These are our sisters, daughters, neighbors and friends. LPC offers free services to teens and women. Please donate to support women and children. The gift you give today, will benefit the children of tomorrow.
Lufkin Educational Broadcasting Foundation (LEBF)
We are listener-supported radio stations who are dedicated to reach as many people for Christ as possible through music, ministry, and community outreach. We use teaching, talk programs on weekdays and praise and worship music to reach God's purpose for these radio stations.
Lydia's Mission
Lydia’s Mission is a non-profit organization that empowers women in generational poverty and children in chronic food insecurity by addressing their physical needs while embracing their hearts for Christ.
MasterKey Ministries of Grayson County
We focus on strengthening families by helping them overcome physical, educational, and spiritual obstacles to success. We focus on the low-income and limited-English populations in our community, offering programs to help meet immediate needs, empowerment programs that lead to a better future, and the eternal hope only found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.