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Ministry Description
WordPartners longs to see the Word of God flowing powerfully through every church, to every nation. We offer a unique value to the global Church, providing both practical training on how to interpret and preach the Word of God, and ongoing relational investment that inherently multiplies the movement. This unique, biblical combination leads to authentic transformation, not only in the congregations these pastors lead, but in the pastors themselves.
Ministry Details
Location: Palos Heights, IL
Founded: 1970
Tel: (708) 489-0022
Top Leader: Rev. Dr. E. David Sunday
Donor Contact: Rev. Jeff Brewer
Member Since: September 25, 1989
Financial Data
Total Expenses
for the year
Total Change
   in Net Assets
Revenues and Expenses are rarely equal.
Net Assets
Nonprofits need operating reserves.
Revenue and Expenses Trend
This chart compares a charity's primary revenue and its program expenses over the course of its three most recent fiscal years. Generally, as a charity’s funding increases, its spending on programs and services increases as well.
Data for year ended December 31, 2023. Per the organization's financial statements
Ministry Sectors & Types
Ministry Sectors
  • Ministry
  • Other
  • Ministry Types
  • Leadership Training (primary)
  • Pastoral Support
  • Other Names Under Which Funds May Be Raised