Caring Network, NFP
Comparative Financial Data
Glen Ellyn, IL
Founded: 1982
Current Status: Member
Member Since: June 26, 2001
ECFA Accredited Member
Comparative Financial Data
  06/30/21 06/30/22 06/30/23
   Cash Donations $2,351,903 $2,911,526 $3,386,098
   Noncash Donations $0 $0 $69,818
   Other Revenue $217,425 $-154,670 $75,980
   Total Revenue $2,569,328 $2,756,856 $3,531,896
   Program $1,151,393 $1,408,470 $2,237,287
   Administrative $256,414 $321,475 $414,415
   Fundraising $438,532 $560,981 $559,801
   Other $0 $0 $0
   Total Expenses $1,846,339 $2,290,926 $3,211,503
Excess (or Deficit)
      for the Year
$722,989 $465,930 $320,393
Other $0 $0 $0
Total Change
   in Net Assets
$722,989 $465,930 $320,393
Total Assets $2,873,635 $3,399,458 $4,203,606
Total Liabilities $119,296 $179,189 $662,944
Net Assets $2,754,339 $3,220,269 $3,540,662

Per the organization's financial statements